Here is my opinion for your exercise below ... can you do that ?? if can ... I think it's not problem to interview your jobs.
1. Make a charts (for presentation ex. colume chart, line chart, scatter chart, 2 axis chart relative, performance chart, correlation chart)
2. use the basic formular (sum, average, count, if, if(ISERROR), OR, NOT and logical as well)
3. match the data by use (OFFSET, VLOOKUP, HLOOKUP) (this is important to manage your data)
4. condition formatting, subtotal, filter, sort the data, diagram, hyperlink
5. Basic for VBA programming, use Macro (for routiens operating jobs)
6. Formatting worksheet, Set Print Area, Passwd protections, Add-In Tools (Passwd ******* 555), knowledge for PDF creator.
7. Add, Adjust, Crop, Photoshop of Paint skill (I think if you can use the photoshop skill .. It will be good oppotunities but it will take a times more than 10 minute.
8. if advance can you understand the goal seek function ?
9. can you explain how to use all toolbars in the excel as quickly ?
10. the all functions depend on you type of jobs ? I don't know what kind of job you will go to interview ? if financial firms please look at mostly functions of finance. therefore banks, logistics, import, export, Sales, Insurance (very complicate) etc.