
  1. C

    Dynamic YTD that changes in one cell automatically

    Hey guys, Is it possible to create a dynamic ytd formula which updates automatically every time you add another month to the table but in the same cell? So I want to be like this (example) => jan + feb 2022 divided by jan + feb 2023 and then the next time I'm filling in the numbers for march...
  2. S

    YTD Dynamic Trend formula

    Hi All, could someone please help me figure out how to make a dynamic trend formula in a following way: I calculated YTD trend as but would like the Trend formula to automatically take into account the following month once I update the source table with September Actuals so that the trend for...
  3. N

    YTD Sales report per customer, with multiple year comparison

    Hi all, I have found a template that seems to do a sales report per customer per year however I am needing help with adding previous years columns. I have included a mini sheet. I need to have on the one table 19/20 comparison to 21/22, 20/21 as % - to 19/20, also 21/22 comparison %+- to...
  4. B

    Sumifs YTD sales based on year

    Hello, I'm looking to sum all of the sales within 2021 from the "All Sales" table into the "Quarterly / Yearly Sales" table M7, based on the date 01/01/2021 date entered in A1. I was able to get this working with months using EOMONTH, is this possible with years? If I change A1 to 01/01/2022...
  5. D

    PowerPivot DAX Rolling 13 month finance report with a single YTD column

    Hello I have a PowerPivot data model that lists cost centres on the rows and accounting periods on the columns, what I need is a DAX formula that will return a single YTD sum column, currently if i create a YTD Measure and add it to my Pivot I get a column for each accounting period, i want to...
  6. E

    Year to Date Cost Savings

    Hello, I'm trying to calculate year to date costs based on monthly costs. What formula do I use to calculate year to date costs? Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks, Emily Task Target Completion Month Status Date Completed Monthly Cost Total Cost Year to Date Sample 1 1 Complete...
  7. H

    YTD Data from Monthly Input

    I'm working on a quarterly Board report which i'm trying to set up so that you don't have to amend any of the data when you open it. Currently there is a month-by-month break down of all the figures in one worksheet, then the report itself is on a different worksheet. Is there a formula that...
  8. J

    Sumproduct with Multiple Rows and Columns

    Hi guys, Although I've been reading for a number of years, this is my first post. Please bear with me if I do something incorrectly. I have a workbook that is basically taking invoices and rolling them up by date, truck number, and expense type. The problem is there can be multiple invoices...
  9. O

    Using excel to generate reports from a Trial Balance

    I am looking for some ideas. I am not happy with the reporting features associated with my accounting software. So I would like to instead download a trail balance to excel each month and generate standard reports from that trial balance. Each month, I will want to update the trial balance...
  10. C

    How to get YTD costs with criteria? I am looking for formula that will calculate YDT expentitures as sum of invoice amount minus upcoming column for each vendor. Additionally, I am seeking the YTD for each vendors by FY and quarter (above the orange field).:)
  11. D

    Help with dynamic (?) formula for adding values!AvjBsEPEq12ngT4paIVYB5-Ol3Y2?e=XitD7z Hi guys, I have monthly revenue data that I want to add (YTD figure) Need a formula whose output updates based on say if I choose YTD May. Then it should add months 1 to 5 for the year. How would you approach this solution?
  12. D

    Formula to project target % needed by month to achieve goal based on current % achievement

    Hi there, I am new here an hoping someone can help me! I originally posted in another forum but no one answered? Maybe I am ding something wrong? I need this formula for a presentation I have to do next week, please help!!!! I am in need f a formula to help me project the target % I would...
  13. R

    YTD Sum

    Firstly, apologies for no dropbox/image - both methods are banned on my company server. Criteria - Columns B4:B11 with Project 1, Project 2, Project 3...Project 8 - (Actuals) Columns C3:N3 (Apr 20 through to Mar 21) - (Budget) Columns O3:Z3 (Apr 20 through to Mar 21) - Current month (Jul 20) =...
  14. N

    SUMPRODUCT question

    Hi all, I have a data in Table 1 looking like below and I've been trying to get the sum of all May YTD and May YTG amounts (to put in Table 2) for each store by using SUMPRODUCT but i keep getting #N/As. The formula I came up with is (for example, i want to get the figure for Store A)...
  15. A

    Need to Have MTD and YTD Calculations at the same time in a Single Pivot Table

    Dear Forum, I have a report where I need to show the Sales Performance in the MTD as well as YTD format. MTD- Month TO Date and YTD- Year To Date Numbers in the same report. I have a certain number of Files for a period beginning from 1-Jan-17 till 31-Mar-19. In India we refer the business from...
  16. B

    Ranking Help

    Hi There, I am trying to get a weighted ranking that uses dollars as the highest weighting. We are looking at a list or items and evaluating their weeks spent below their intend MSRP and wanted to rank them by importance using a count of the weeks below MSRP and their YTD Sales to rank them...
  17. S

    Change month automatically in pivot table

    I have many sales pivot tables showing columns of Current year, last year and plans. Last year and plan data is from Jan to Dec and actuals pasting each month. Now when I refresh to get YTD Apr results for example I need to select Apr manually in each pivot to change the YTD result Is there...
  18. L

    YTD Tab Data

    I have a Spreadsheet with 13 Tabs. Each month and a YTD. On each month lets say I have columns.... Hours...Revenue...Average (there is actually about 35 Columns of Info) I enter the data each day. At the bottom there is a row for monthly totals. I want to Transfer the Monthly Total Row to...
  19. G

    Highlight specific cells in an excel chart

    Is it possible to highlight a specific column in an excel chart? I have several months of data and I only want to highlight ytd. This is the data listed below the bar chart Sep-18 Oct-18 Nov-18 Dec-18 YTD 10.8% 9.3% 4.4% 11.2% 8.7% Thank you
  20. G

    Calculating YTD Sales

    What is an easy way to calculate YTD sales for last year for the same months that have sales this year? In the example below, I want a formula that will determine that we are 4 months into this year, and only add the first 4 months of last year so that we have a YTD comparison. In this...

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