
  1. L

    XLAM Module not showing in macro list

    Hi All, I need some help please. I have a macro that copies specific columns from one workbook into a new workbook, and renames the headers. I have saved the module into a XLAM file, but its not appearing in the macro list. The sub isn't private and the add-in has been enabled. Screenshots...
  2. UniMord

    Installed XLAM, Functions Not Recognized

    Greetings! I created an XLAM add-in, from Excel, and it's recognized, insofar as when I start typing the name of one of its functions, Excel offers up the full name, but, then, when I attempt to use it, I get #NAME!. There's nothing wrong with the code, I'm getting an Invalid Name Error. How do...
  3. A

    XLAM File

    Hi Guys, I have an XLAM File i would like to get complete access to. i have used the password remover i have which opens all VBA and allow me to view all except this XLAM any suggestions on how i can get access to this. I do have permissions to access this file however the person who build it...
  4. S

    Cannot find my macros when the Add-in is stored on a network drive. Why not?

    Hello, First I must say: I am somewhat new to creating macros and new to creating Excel Add-Ins. Question: I wish to deploy my Excel Add-Ins to certain other corporate users by placing the .xlam file on the network, and giving all users the directions on how to customize their own Excel...
  5. S

    How can I run a UserForm from XLAM addin (Excel 2013)?

    I searched for an answer to no avail yet... The Custom UI xml file contains the following (XML brackets replaced with regular ones): This is the macro itself inside a separate module: I tried to name the macro both with and without the "_Click" part. But it doesn't work either. Error...
  6. D

    Open .XLAM as read only when custom toolbar button is pressed

    I have an .XLAM file with various macros and UDFs which a dozen or so people use. I keep a master copy and have the users' copy in a standard location. Each user has customised ribbons with buttons which call the various macros. When a user first opens Excel, the .XLAM file is not opened but...
  7. J

    Windows10 task Scheduler cannot open Excel

    Hi, I want to set up my task scheduler to auto open excel.xlsm format at a specific time, but some how it keeps gives me the error message Task Scheduler--> Create a basic task-->Program/Script "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Office\Office12\EXCEL.EXE"-->Add arguments...
  8. J

    VBA xlCalculationManual trips error when called App_WorkbookOpen

    I am trying to change the application settings to xlCalculationManual when opening up a workbook. However, this code throws an error if a workbook is already set to xlCalculationManual (Error: Method 'Calculation' of object'_Application' failed). It does not throw the error if the setting is...
  9. P

    Multi Criteria Search from XLAM Table

    So here is the basic problem, I have a table "vwSVC_RegTool" that is stored in an xlam. I am trying to create a macro that will check 2 ranges, Yearlk and Svclk and find the resulting value. Basically how this work is, it uses an index match along with the evaluate function to get the...
  10. E

    Call a function in another Excel 2010 AddIn (.xlam)

    Hello all! I try to call a function/procedur in an Excel2010-AddIn (.xlam file) from another Excel2010-AddIn (.xlam file): Application.Run (filename.xlam!functionname) Both AddIn-files are in the same directory (the default AddIn directory). This call causes the error message "runtime error...
  11. P

    Displaying a custom ribbon tab using XLAM

    Hi, I created an XLAM file which displays a customized ribbon tab, the buttons of which call various macros. How do I get this add-in file to load automatically when opening another xlsm file? Currently, the only way to display the add-in ribbon is to open the XLAM file first, then open the...
  12. E

    what is convention for linking *.xlam?

    I am using Office 2007 Excel and have been trying to determine the convention for linking an xlam library to an xlsm application. Suppose a.xlsm references b.xlam. Furthermore suppose we have 3 directories in our share: Xdir, Ydir and Zdir. Suppose a is in Ydir. Now let's imagine a two...
  13. E

    Editing XLA/XLAM Add-ins

    Hello Mr. Excel Community, I have experienced the following problem using Excel 2007 under Windows XP. <?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /><o:p> </o:p> I have a VBA library (library.xlam) that is used by a client Excel app (client.xlsm), both stored in a...
  14. W

    XLAM password for 2007 does not open in 2011 for Mac

    We are evaluating Office 2011 for Mac. I have an XLAM file which requires a password to open. It opens with that password in Excel 2007 (on a PC). The same password is rejected when I try to open a copy of the XLAM file in Office 2011 for Mac. (Yes, I did check CAPS LOCK.) The response is...
  15. P

    Password Protect: XLAM

    I want to conver my xlsm files to xlam format i.e. created a excel add-in and wanted to hide the codes from user. First I tested the converted xlam without activating "password protect" or "select hide from view". It works fine.:) However, if I convert the same xlsm file to xlam format with...
  16. C

    Unable to save edits to xlam

    Office Version:Office 2010 Operating System:Windows 7 Program:Excel I have opened my xlsm spreadsheet and then proceeded via the View Code link to edit code in my loaded xlam, which I have previously written. Though I can edit the code, I cannot then save it. I get the message...

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