
  1. S

    Use excel to populate chart

    Hi - I have an excel table with 6 Columns (fixed) and then I want to be able to fill in as much content in the rows without limitation. Problem: I want the table contents to fill into the charts and automatically and automate adjust, so that it’s easy to read with the same excel sheet if...
  2. A

    10 outputs on single sheet

    Here is the link to file Situation here is similar to this one Actually "ID" is the main Identity. I am using Vlookup for calling students data and picture. Actually these are students cards. For printing purpose, All I want is10 cards to be printed on single page. As you can see that output...
  3. J

    In VBScript via CSCRIPT only, no web involved: how to handle a WinHTTP object's events?

    I've written a small VBS script to GET or POST an URL to a WinHTTP object and put its plain-text output to stdout -- any body text it needs should be send via stdin. Please note that it's a stand-alone VBS file, so there's no web involved whatsoever -- it's simply invoked with CSCRIPT...
  4. G

    How to reorder the entire row when grouping cells with partially similar words?

    I used the above code shared by @CalcSux78 to group product names in a column with similar words. I was wondering on how it the reordering can also be expanded to include other columns in the sheet. Right now it sorts the selected column, but data in other columns remains the same so there is a...
  5. M

    Extract images using product code from an XML link

    Hi guys. hope someone can assist me with this. my supplier provide me with an XML file containing all the available products which is updated weekly. the xml file contains a column titled Vendor code. now this is where it gets tricky, in order for me to get the images for a particular product i...
  6. K

    VBS macro doesn´t run

    I'm trying to close the CMD after running my vbs file, can someone help me? Code: Dim objExcel, ObjWB WScript.Sleep (200) Set objExcel = CreateObject("Excel.Application") objExcel.Visible = True Set ObjWB =...
  7. S

    search for a list of cars by manufacturer, put data in separate column according to manufacturer

    I have a large file with a single row of different car manufacturers (acura, bmw, honda, cadillac, dodge, toyota, nissan, subaru, huyndai, jaguar) under each manufacture is a list of items/features that belongs to that manufacturer, such as speakers, name of sound systems, navigation, CD/DVD...
  8. C

    Remote Desktop Breaks my Automated Excel Printing Macro

    I need to run automatically an excel macro that PDFs a monthly report and then saves and closes the excel file. My proposed solution is that using Windows Task Scheduler it runs a windows batch print file that runs a VBScript which then runs the excel file. The excel file when it is open then...
  9. E

    QueryTables.Add URL

    Good afternoon, I am trying to connect excel to web query but it is not working. I created this in VbScript. Here is my code below: Set objExcelApp = CreateObject("Excel.Application") objExcelApp.visible = False objExcelApp.Workbooks.Open strExcelFile With...
  10. E

    Adding values to excel from an Array

    Hello, I am wondering if someone can help me with the following code which is not working correctly. I collect values from an external GUI and add them to an Arraylist. I am trying to add the values to excel in two columns. The results I get is that as it For loops I only get the last value...
  11. A

    Applications blocks Subroutine from continuing

    I want to automatize the following procedure: I want to attach an email after sending it to a document in SAP, but as soon as the "select Files:" windows appear my code is blocked from continuing bc this window belongs not to the SAP application itself (I don't know if these are the correct...
  12. E

    How to For Loop two ArrayLists

    How do I loop two arraylists and multiply each one? For example first element(0) in array 1 multiply first element(0) in array 2 and then element 2 to element 2. I started with this For loop in VbScript, but it calculates the first one but then when it moves to the second element the element(1)...
  13. E

    vbscript loop cells into array

    I am reading an excel sheet and I would like to store the value into an array, but It is not working. Any help would be most appreciated. With objReadWS lastRow2 = .Range("G" & .Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row lastCol2 = .Cells(2, .Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft).Column Redim Array100(i) For...
  14. E

    VbScript Union two ranges in excel

    I have a VbScript that I am creating a graph in Excel. My issue is that I am trying to set the range as two separate columns, but I assuming I need to do a Union, but it is not working. I get an error in the Union line and the SetSource line. Here is my code: Set rng1 = objReadWS.Range("B4"...
  15. E

    Filling out blank spaces with previous value

    I have data in an excel sheet that has blank spaces in column B and C. I want to fill them with its previous values. I have the VbScript code below semi working as I think my issue is the FormulaR1C1, but I cannot get it to work. Any suggestions? Sample Data: A B C Time Start Race End...
  16. E

    filling in blanks in excel using VbScript

    Good afternoon, I need some help with my VbScript as I am trying to fill in blanks in my excel sheet. My current code is breaking in Selection portion as I do not know how to make it work in Vbscript. Can you please help? ---define objects---- Set objReadXL =...
  17. G

    Need to Upload a PDF into the Web page

    Hi , I m New to VB and I was struggling to the code for upload a PDF into the web page. I need to upload a PDF in (https://draftable.com/compare) in this website please help here and provide any code to upload a PDF using VBA. I have tried to upload PDF but getting error when "Choose File...
  18. P

    Problem saving VBScript Script Files

    Hello all, I'm used to Macro program writing but I'm new to VBScript Script Files and I cant seem to find what can be wrong no matter where I look. I have a problem with running this vbs file, getting this error: Line: 7 Char: 1 Error: "Object required: 'application' Code: 800A01A8 Dim...
  19. J

    Change query parameter with vbscript

    I've searched the wonderful world of Google for a simple answer and wasn't able to find one. Is there a simple way to have a standalone (manually executed) vbscript to change an Access query parameters? I have the same parameter in three queries, which is Like"XXX" I need to replace the XXX...
  20. S

    Currency Converter to Different excel

    I have two excel first excel output file and second excel Exchange rate excel, first check in second excel date column and pick every month 1 date exchange rate and convert in Main file currency in (INR,USD,EUR) convert in GBP format. 1: Main Output file : Empno Ename...

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