variable scope

  1. J

    Get variable value in userform from Class module

    I want to monitor when a value changes of several combo buttons on a user form. I have set this up using a class module to capture all the comboboxes on the userform. I have the following code in a class module called “ModComboClass”: Public WithEvents ComboGroup As MSForms.ComboBox Public Sub...
  2. Randall00

    Quick Question on Variable Scope - "Public" is misbehaving...

    I'm having a hard time understanding how Public variables declared in an Excel workbook retain their values. Every source I can find suggests that all variables declared as "Public" store values that are available to all procedures across all the workbook modules. These Public variables are...
  3. F

    Global Variable Scope/Value Assignment

    All, I am trying to write a simple piece of code and across multiple procedures, I'm trying to find the bottom row of a range (e.g. Cells(65536, 1).End(xlUp).Row I'm not having any troubles with this. My question is that to simplify the code, and to speed up changes, is there a way I can make...
  4. Randall00

    UserForms - A Few Questions on Variable Scope

    My knowledge of VBA is fairly specialized so a lot of the fundamentals aren't quite clear, but this is what I understand about the lifetime of variables and their scope: A Public variable declared at the top of a module is available to all modules and procedures within that workbook...

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