sum date range

  1. P

    LOOP with non blank cell

    Hi everyone, Im learning VBA and I have this code Sub [CODE]SmartRunningTotals() Dim rng As Range Dim cell As Range Dim lastRow As Long Dim totalTime As Double ' I'm assuming your time column is in column A lastRow = Range("A" & ActiveSheet.Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row...
  2. P

    LOOP with non blank cell

    Hi everyone, Im learning VBA and I have this code Sub SmartRunningTotals()</pre> Dim rng As Range Dim cell As Range Dim lastRow As Long Dim totalTime As Double ' I'm assuming your time column is in column A lastRow = Range("A" & ActiveSheet.Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row...
  3. J

    Pie Chart Individual Sums

    Hi, I have a few teams working for me and each team resolves tickets (Alpha, Bravo and Charlie let's say). I want to create a pie chart to compare the teams so each segment is a sum of the numbers. I can do a chart for the individual people. I can do a chart for each team that picks a person...
  4. J

    Sum a range of data based on date range

    Hi, Im new to the boards, and am relatively inexperienced in excel. I have a recurring problem with one of my spreadsheets. I have a summary sheet that pulls data from a variety of sources. One of the sources is a monthly report that is generated daily. Dates down column A for the month...

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