sql server 2005

  1. Z

    ASP.net and Excel

    First off, I hope this is the right area for this question - it seemed like the best. Secondly, I don't know if this problem is an Excel problem, an ASP.net configuration problem, a SQL problem or an issue with the ACE OLEDB driver. I'm fully prepared to not receive an answer if it is deemed...
  2. S

    excel 2003 - VBA - connect to SQL SERVER 2005

    Hi, I am having difficulties in getting the column headers from a MS SQL Server 2005 database table Here is the code I have so far : Private Sub getRetentionDetails(date1 As String, date2 As String) 'This was set up using Microsoft ActiveX Data Components version 2.8 Dim conn As...
  3. B

    "Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0 has not been registered."

    Question: I'm getting "The OLE DB provider "Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0 has not been registered." I assure you , I have "Microsoft Office 12.0 Access database engine Object Library" selected. I see conflicting information on the web regarding this issue. Some say it may be an issue...
  4. megnin

    How to set up SQL Queries for a range of cells

    I have a quartly report worksheet that pulls counts of answers to audit questions into a table that has: Questions in column B, under Month 1 "Y" and "N" are in columns C and D, respectively, under Month 2 "Y" and "N" are in columns E and F and under Month 3 "Y" and "N" are in columns G and H...
  5. Jon von der Heyden

    Query SQL 2005 Views with Excel

    Hi I've posted this on Experts Exchange too, specifically trying to target the SQL Server experts. http://www.experts-exchange.com/Software/Office_Productivity/Office_Suites/MS_Office/Excel/Q_24423637.html Hoping some MrExcel members may be able to provide advice too. :)

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