specific column

  1. P

    copy specific columns in series and paste side by side in another

    I have a sheet of 324 columns and 72 rows. I want to copy specific columns from sheet and paste them side by side in following manner 1,12,24,36,48.....(multiple of 12..... upto 324) side by side in new sheet1. then 2, 13, 25, 37,49(multiple of 12+1)...upto 324 side by side in new sheet2. then...
  2. O

    VBA: Import every 5 .xls data into a new worksheet

    Hi all, Ive got the coding more or less down. However, im trying to figure out if excel could import the 1st 5 excel file's data to one Sheet 1 then the next 5 to Sheet 2, etc... Currently, its importing everything into one sheet. Any help is greatly appreciated. Thanks! Sub ImportFiles()...
  3. O

    Moving worksheets to new workbook based on name

    Version: 2007 Hello Everyone, I have a workbook with a "Detail" and "Summary" worksheet. The data in each of these worksheets needs to be split up and grouped into separate tabs based on the value of a specific column (region). Then, the Summary and Detail worksheet for each region needs to be...
  4. E

    Deleting rows in excel using VBA using column cell data criteria

    Thanks in advance! I have a excel 2010 spreadsheet that has a column "H". In column "H" many of the cells have the folowing data: "Department Open PM Count :" and in this same column "H" some of the cells directly above the cell data: "Department Open PM Count :" has a cell value of: "Call #"...
  5. G

    Macro to Hide Rows w/ specified value in specific row.

    Hi Mr. Excel, I'm using Excel 2007 and Windows XP. 1. General Question: How to create a macro to hide rows that have a specific value in a specific column. (I have tried duplicating/editing some of the macros on here but my lack of microsoft basic knowledge limits my editing capabilities...
  6. K

    Using the IF statement with "lcurrentrow" & column

    I get error 438 - Object doesn't support this property or method. Via my "cmdAdd" command button on userform I am checking the current row, column 52 if it contains "1" but I cannot figure out the correct format for the line. Here is my code: Public lCurrentRow As Long...
  7. F

    Deletes rows that do not have a specific word in a specific column

    Here is the code I am using but can not make it viable to a specifc column. Sub Delete_Rows() ' This macro deletes all rows on the active worksheet ' that do not have Versaold in column F. Dim Rng As Range, cell As Range, del As Range Dim strCellValue As String Set Rng =...

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