
  1. R


    I have a macro that splits an Excel workbook into separate files and generates an email to the respective recipients for each file. I have a sub for each individual file created. I used to not have issues, but just recently received an error after the first sub successfully ran and sent an...
  2. R

    Excel: Send as attachment and VBA activeworkbook.sendmail

    Hi I am using Microsoft Office Professional 2010. I am having problems with: excel's send as attachment; vba's activeworkbook.sendmail; and the ability to open excel documents from emails (outlook attachments). The effects xlsx; xls; xlsm; xlsb file types. With csv files, I am able to open...
  3. S

    Excel 2007 VBA - Duplicate file error

    I am generating a workbook in 2007 (customer requirements, not mine) and have the following code which generates a separate workbook (and emails it) with a subset of the data in the current worksheet: Private Sub Mail_DataOnly() On Error GoTo Catch...
  4. C

    Sending an Active Worksheet with VBA

    Hi all, I am using a modified version of the popular code from Ron de Bruin and all is working fine...... in Excel 2003 I manage around 80 workbooks for a team of 18 Project managers and have included a button on the required sheet in their master workbook to send it to my offices email...
  5. W

    Help with copy macro module when mailing sheet

    I need help with the code below. My macro copies a sheet from a masterworkbook and sends a copy of each sheet for the respective disciplines to complete. I added a userform to make their work easier, but the macro/module doesn't go with the new sheet. Can someone look at this code and help me...
  6. J

    Making Outlook pasting Blackberry Friendly

    I am trying to paste ranges into outlook from excel and need it to work on blackberry. I think its because outlook wont display tables. If so i need to know how to paste it (in a macro) to preserve the collumns or at least fake it.
  7. T

    sendmail for user typed email addresses

    how can i use sendmail where i want the user to type the email address they wish to send the workbook to? if i do it via a form, what will the code be for the send button as the sendmail code i have at the moment is the one where you have to type in the email addresses in the actual code...
  8. T

    Sendmail form a FORM error ... HELPP please :( !!

    I wanted users to enter an email address they wanted to email the worksheet to, therefore I created a form and for the send button I had the following code : Private Sub CommandButton1_Click() Dim wb As Workbook Set wb = ActiveWorkbook If Val(Application.Version) >= 12 Then If wb.FileFormat =...

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