save as

  1. C

    Code VBA "save as" keep debugging

    HI I need a working code for: Save current active sheet in a chosen folder and with a new filename I need the window to pop up, where I can choose location and filename Below string is keeping debugging... ......... Sub SaveActiveSheetAsXLSWithDialog() Dim SaveLocation As String Dim...
  2. M

    VB Save As non-Macro enabled workbook

    I have been running the same VB code for years and have not run into any errors where my macro enabled workbook performs a Save As, as a non-macro enabled workbook or xlsx. Now I get the error, "VB projects and XLM Sheets cannot be saved in a macro-free workbook." I cannot figure out what is...
  3. Johnny Thunder

    Macro Help - Sheet Copy and Save as with a specific File Name

    Hello All, I have been working with VBA on Mac for about 2yrs now and I just noticed in the last few weeks that code that I had written on several files in the past no longer works and I am not entirely sure why. The code is listed below Sub Create_Upload() Dim RelativePath As String, DT...
  4. S

    Changing code to suit? HELP Plzzz

    Hi, I have been given a new task as I'm the most IT literate in the office. I've done a small bit of VERY basic VB coding/Macros. I've stumbled across a code here and wanted to know how I could edit it and implement it to work for my use case. I need to: Export a PDF to the same location...
  5. D

    VBA save as .xlsx

    Hi everyone, I am wondering how to open SaveAs dialog box so, that the saving file format would already be preselected as Excel Workbook (.xlsx), even if the original file has different extension. I can open SaveAs window with this code, but how to preselect the formatting...
  6. G

    Save As macro with path and filename from cells Excel

    Hello everyone, I wrote a save as macro: ' Save_As_Names_In_Cells Macro ' ChDir "C:\MrExcel" ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs Filename:="C:\MrExcel\Macros\Test.xlsm", FileFormat:= _ xlOpenXMLWorkbookMacroEnabled, CreateBackup:=False End Sub I do not know how to tell it to pick: - the...
  7. Rob_010101

    Force Save as PDF

    Hi All, I know this is not necessarily Excel-related, however, it is going to be VBA related. I have created a return-to-work form in word, which is sent to managers to complete return-to-work interviews for sick employees. The document is restricted and only form fields can be completed...
  8. G

    Saving a specific worksheet in csv by using Dialog box Save As, so that the user can choose the path

    Hi, Actually I'm using this code, to save a specific worksheet in CSV, on a predefined folder path, with this code the user can add the name for the file and it will be saved on the predefined path : here is on the desktop Public Sub Save_CSV() Application.ScreenUpdating = False...
  9. T

    Save As under specific File Name

    Hi All, I'm trying to create a copy of a file and then save it by using certain text/values within a workbook. The first value is text and the second value is the date but it needs to be in the format "yymmdd". The file should be written as so "SXB220620" Can anyone help? Sub...
  10. E

    How to stop Excel's "Save As" function from defaulting to Text (Tab) on XLS files?

    So whenever I attempt to save a fresh excel file, it will have my default save as option as XLSX. But I frequently have to download XLS files and then edit them. Whenever I finish I go to save as, and it tries to save it as a text (tab delim) file every single time. I have checked and confirmed...
  11. M

    Save As Worksheet with date

    Hello, I'm trying to 'save as' a worksheet to a specific folder with date in the name. So, my filename is going to say "081921_Bill_Review", what I'm trying to do is if I run this Macro the same, I want excel to create another filer with maybe an additional letter with the date (for e.g...
  12. P

    Macro VBA to save/copy specific files located at specific folder to another folder that the user can choose with a folder dialog

    Hey I have macros that creates several pdf files at specific folder. The file names are as follows: Article.pdf Article.part1.pdf Article.part2.pdf Article.part3.pdf The files are always in pdf format The location is always C:\Temp The filenames are always the same In another words the...
  13. A

    VB - Queued data into separate workbook

    I'm working on VB file that determine specific content based on cell value, queue it, update in separate tabs copy&save those tabs into new workbook. Workbook name is define by cell and for every data individual. Everyting works for me perfectly correct, but new woorkbooks (even when they have...
  14. S

    Using VBA to Save To A Network Drive by Default

    Hi everyone, I have been struggling to get a macro working all day and wanted to see if anyone had any advice. Basically, I have a macro that copies the active sheet and saves it as a .txt file. Right now, when the Save As prompt opens, it autofills the file name with a value from a specific...
  15. B

    Filter data and export as new workbooks

    Hi, Can someone help me with below requirement. I have a macro work book with data in the sheet "Source". this data has multiple columns and in the column "N"(which is last column which contains data) i have manager names along with blanks and "NA". I want to filter each Manager and copy the...
  16. D

    Password protect or prohibit the "Save" & "Save as" option in Excel

    Hello everybody, I am currently managing an order form in Excel, where people download it and then they go in every day, fill out the details and submit the order through a macro. They will just need to download it once and then do this whenever they have an order. However, is there any way in...
  17. F

    How to insert code into a workbook from another workbook

    Hi All, not sure if this is even possible but I'm trying to save a file from another workbook and then ensure that nobody can update any links in it, etc. upon opening, and so I'd need to insert the below two lines of code under 'Workbook_Open' but I'm unsure how to this, so I'd greatly...
  18. 0

    Open Save as dialog and save it in One drive folder with predefined filename from cells

    Hi! I have a problem with Save As dialog. I wrote a code that saves excel file with predefined name and path on Desktop, which works fine. When I change Path in code to One drive folder, Save As opens in that path but, name is not defined. Dim Path As String Dim filename As String Path =...
  19. T

    Save active worksheet as new workbook in PDF format

    Hi All, The code below returns an error -Run-time error '1004': Document not saved. anyone know why? (Error on line .ExportAsFixedFormat...) Private Sub CommandButton1_Click() Range("B10").Activate If IsError(ActiveCell) Then UserForm1.Hide UserForm3.Show vbModeless Else PdfFile =...
  20. D

    Classification pop up issue when saving file

    Hello all, I would like to get some help in how to automatically assign the classification as internal document. At my company we use some classification tool in excel called Secure Islands Classification, and whenever create new file it pop ups asking to set the classification, usually...

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