row address

  1. K

    Row address when cell is filled

    Hello everyone. I'm looking for a vba code to fill column "C" with row address when data is entered in column "A". And when I delete a row , they would change accordingly. Data is entered automatically via userform. Before row deleted: ABC1nameproductrow...
  2. T

    Use Msgbox for data validation

    Hello Excel VBA expert, By the help of MrExcel expert's help, I've developed below VBA to copy a specific record to the last row within the same worksheet. Sub CopyRecord() ' lr = Range("A" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row + 1 'lr is to determine the Last Row Last = Range("A" &...
  3. L

    VBA Using LARGE to find Nth Number and return .ROW

    Hello all. I have a project Dashboard that needs to refresh the Daily Numbers in order of Order Volume. Then, after I supply the number, I want to application.worksheetfunction.match/index the client associated with that Nth Large number. Only match/index isn't working for me as there are...
  4. D

    VBA coding assistance to define row number from a cell ref

    I have a piece of code to delete out rows but I need the range to be dynamic. Currently my code is as follows but I need to change the "4" to be a cell reference as I have a formula that decides where to start the delete from. Please help!:confused: <Code> Sub Macro1() ' ' Macro1 Macro ' '...
  5. P

    check box copies an assigned row

    Hi, I have worksheet where i can create new positions using user form. When I add my data (range C:E) also check box is created in column B. Is it possible to make universal macro which will be assigned to new check box and will always copy data range(C:E) in row where check box is created to...
  6. V

    Paste cell selection multyply times

    Hi can i paste cell selection multiply times each after 13 rows, the number of how many times to be pasted to be from a cell eg. F1(12), also some formula in that are in the selection range to be updated automatically with the row number til to the number in cell F1 eg. =A1+B1 to...
  7. E

    Sum a Row based on found value in a column

    I need to find a specific value in a column and then sum a specific range in that row belonging to the value, but the column location changes whenever someone inputs their data for their specific project, even though the value doesn't. Is this possible in a formula or would that require a...
  8. G

    how to fix row numbers?

    I am new here. I have a question about my excel file. The row number on my excel file is not continual. There miss some numbers in the middle. For exmaple , A1 , A2 ....A1200 Then A1201 is misssing. The next one is A1202 . How should I fix it.
  9. A

    To find a row from a vlookup

    Hello and thanks for looking at my two part question. I am consolidating several data sources into a single table for a tool that I am building. As of right now, I have 36 vba vlookups to build my table. In many instances, I have to hit the same sheet and row to get the data I need to fill...
  10. R

    Problem usng variable within RC[-1]

    Hi Can I use a variable within the RC addressing in a formula in VBA? Selection.Value = "=sumIF(RC[-1]:R[lastrow]C,RC[-1]:R[lastrow]C,RC[8]:R[lastrow]C)" I would have thought that the formula above would be fine!!! Thanks Ronan
  11. D

    How to get row

    I have a vLookup routine that looks like this: Function Customer_vlookup(Table_Rng As Range, Return_Col As Long, Col1_Fnd, Col2_Fnd) Dim rCheck As Range, bFound As Boolean, lLoop As Long Dim rowSet As Range On Error Resume Next Set rCheck = Table_Rng.Columns(1).Cells(1, 1) With...

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