right to left

  1. I

    how to use Index right to left (See data and return the highest value)

    Following is the screen shot. We are suppose to get following values - the first value from right side - year of first value - 2nd value - year of 2nd value In order to get the year of 1st value we employed INDEX MATCH LOOKUP...
  2. B

    Paste right to left

    So i need to take a range of information from one sheet and paste it to another sheet. Here's the kicker, I need it to paste in the same order, but to the left of the selected cell. I'll try to explain simplified: Sheet2: Range= O12:T12 (copy value) Sheet1: Current values in J9:V9. Insert...
  3. M

    Copy Formula From Left To Righ - Modify my VBA

    Basicly I have to copy formula from left to right. Certain ranges contains values and formulas, let say as example (even there are many similar ranges, that is way I need VBA): Range: A2:C10Column A is totaly values, which is OK Column B currently has only values (this is subject of my wanted...
  4. J

    Another Thread extraction question!

    I want a formula that will take a filepath reference and yield only the filename, for example: Cell A1 contains: <TABLE style="WIDTH: 402pt; BORDER-COLLAPSE: collapse" border=0 cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width=536 x:str><COLGROUP><COL style="WIDTH: 402pt; mso-width-source: userset...

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