repeat macro

  1. B

    Repeat Code for ALL Occurrences

    I hope someone can help me with this, it might not be that complicated. I have a code that looks for a value in a cell and then finds that value in a range, once the value is located it will place a value in another cell offset by 3 columns. Sub Mark() Sheets("Sheet1").Select Dim LR As...
  2. C

    VBA code to get .csv file from a URL and repeat for all rows

    I am trying to import a large number of URL addresses where a .csv file exists. These URL addresses are stored in a worksheet, one per row, along with the name of the worksheet I want to import the data to. I know how to create a hyperlink for each row but would like a VBA/Macro solution that...
  3. T

    VBA Macro to Find Text in One Column and Replace Text in Offset Column

    I am using Excel 2013 in Windows 7 Professional and need to do the following: In Column GM, I have a property identification #. In Column GI, I have a company identification #. For every instance that the value 834 applears in column GM, I need a macro to enter the word "PROP 20" in the same...
  4. S

    Repeat action to all sheets in workbook

    Hi guys, Can someone help me how I want to make this codes more shorter? which is I can apply this code in all sheets in open workbook? For workbook that have only 29 sheets is still ok for me, but after this I will have 63 sheets every workbook. I had found this code, but it's not work for me...
  5. B

    Extracting Several Delimited Text Files Using Macro

    Hello. I'm new to macro and it would be vey kind of anyone to help me with my problem. So I have several text files in a folder, all with the same format. Like this; -------------------------- File Information -------------------------- File Name: , XXXXX File Type: ,XXXX Comment: ,none...
  6. M

    VBA Loop

    I have a large dataset comprising of hourly information across 2 years. Using DAverage / Dmax etc, I am able to lookup specific month / hour and see results. I want to write a macro that runs each month / hour iteration (note that the year is no matter to me as I am seeking average data by...
  7. B

    Loop (repeat) macro 100 times- Delete 1 Million rows

    Hi guys, I need to repeat the below code 100 times each time I click it. I have a spreadsheet with over 1,000,000 rows and throusands of columns. I am trying to delet the rows out. When I attempt to delet all the rows at once I get a message stating too much info is selected. If you know a...
  8. E

    reusing code for different userfroms

    I am a newbe. I have created 4 userforms to input seminar evaluation data for each of the 4 periods. Each UF has directly coded outputs to specific cells in 8 columns. I believe I could put the identical events into a module and call it up for each UF but I don't know how to get the option...
  9. T

    Repeating code a set number of times

    My first post! Be gentle :) I've pretty much a novice at VBA but have managed to creat a task planner that does just what I need by copying code (mostly from here) so that I have an insert new row macro which puts in a new row, with the next ref, deleting the content but keeping the formulas...
  10. R

    Macro to create mail merge sheet

    I am helping my kids' school organize their holiday gifts to teachers. In my spreadsheet I have two sheets. Sheet #1 – Column A has a list of all the students in school. Column B has a list of the $ given and columns C - BR has the names of all the teachers along the top. Columns C - BR are...
  11. E

    ExceL VBA Question, Help Please

    Hello there,<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /><o:p></o:p> I am still a beginner and need help form the pros,<o:p></o:p> Where I work, I have a big excel book contains of like 45 tabs.<o:p></o:p> I need to copy and paste certain section form each tab and...
  12. S

    macro for find, copy, transpose then repeat

    This is probably insanely easy for most of you, but I've never written vba code before. I'm looking for a VBA code that will: 1 - Search down one column for the word "ADDRESS" 2 - Once "ADDRESS" is found, I need to copy that cell along with the two cells directly above it and transpose these...
  13. L

    Repeating simple macro from row 10 to row 1000

    I have a very easy macro written - but haven't been able to repeat it for a range of lines. here is the macro for line 10 Range("AJ10").GoalSeek Goal:=Range("AK10"), ChangingCell:=Range("AI10") Then I want to give the command "repeat for lines 10 to 1000" Anyone who knows how to do...

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