pivot range

  1. B

    Pivot table range going from dynamic to static

    Excel 2007 pivot table range problem. My source data range goes from dynamic to static. I've simplified the problem to just the core and here it is: Data is a 3x2 range in cells A1:B3. Reference to data range in cell E4. E4 contains text: A1:B3 I reference the range using the indirect...
  2. B

    Pivot table source data goes from dynamic - using indirect() - to static range

    Excel 2007 pivot table range problem. My source data range goes from dynamic to static. I've simplified the problem to just the core and here it is: Data is a 3x2 range in cells A1:B3. Reference to data range in cell E4. E4 contains text: A1:B3 I reference the range using the indirect...
  3. KG Old Wolf

    Array as input to a Pivot Table

    I want to run multiple pivot tables off an array exceeding 500k cells. I believe it would vastly improve performance. I've tried variations of the code below to no avail. Set Pivot_Cache_01 = ActiveWorkbook.PivotCaches.Add _ (SourceType:=xlDatabase, _...
  4. C

    Macro to update Pivot Table data

    Hi guys, this is my 1st post and i know it won't be my last. I have a pivot table that feeds off a data sheet and that data sheet gets updated w/ new information each month. I have a few pivot tables that is linked to this sheet. i tried to create a macro that will automatically update the...
  5. S

    Moving Average in Pivot Table Calculating off Percentages

    Moving Average in Pivot Table Calculating off Percentages- <?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /><o:p></o:p> Need it to Calculate off Actuals (Need to Use a Range)<o:p></o:p> <o:p> </o:p> I have a pivot table that filters by three data fields: Card...

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