
  1. J

    Copy Multiple Ranges Paste to Designated Ranges

    Copy ranges Accounting!: AY13:BH13 AL15:BH15 Paste(Special) ranges InvPrint!: AT6:AY6 D20:AJ20 This is as far as I got regarding the code... Dim Rng1 As String Dim Rng2 As String Dim Rng11 As Sting Dim Rng22 As String Rng1 = Range("Accounting!AL15:BH15") Rng2 = Range("Accounting!AY13:BH13")...
  2. S

    Paste special not working - sending me to debug

    Code is below, can anyone tell me why paste special is not working...? I use this same code with xrange and it works fine, then I try to copy paste another set, and I get an error when it gets to Selection.PasteSpecial xlPasteValues LastRow = Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row 'Gets...
  3. L

    paste filter results in new sheet or workbook with paste special not working.

    Hi All, Greetings, I am new to this forum or any online forum to be precise. In case I do or say something wrong please bear with me. I am new to excel and trying the below code to copy data after filtering to a new sheet(if you could tell me how to paste in the new workbook will be...
  4. D

    Range("A1").End(xlDown).Offset(1, 0).Select

    I have a case/call audit sheet in which I am trying to move the data between other sheets, yet having no luck. I keep getting the Run-time error'1004': Application-defined or object-defined error. When I debug, it highlights the following line: Range("A1").End(xlDown).Offset(1, 0).Select...
  5. S

    PasteSpecial method of Range class failed

    I encountered a problem where 1) I cannot paste the copied contents into the desired cell, and 2) an error 1004 PasteSpecial method of Range class failed popped up. Here's my code: 'copy whole content from old quarter file with header added Windows("Report002_" & year &...
  6. T

    Word Crash, paste fail and colour loss during VBA Macro when Pasting Image from Excel

    This code is driving me insane. I have created a macro that is structured as below. It creates a chart based, copies it from an Excel Chart tab and pastespecials it into word. Creates a page break, clears the clipboard and does it again for a total of around 100 times. Please see the below...
  7. A

    Excel VBA, Randon error of <Range>.pastespecial failed

    Dear All, Am calling a function from a sub by passing a string (picture path) and a range variable (Cell address). The function then inserts the picture and pasts it over range Issue: The function gives 1004 error on <range>.pastespecial command but not every time. and pressing F5 in debug...
  8. V

    Macro to copy range including hyperlinks but not formulas

    Hi! I am trying to copy a range (A1:A7) from one sheet to another. All cells in range have formulas and one cell in particular (A1) has a hyperlink. What I am trying to do is copy everything and paste it to the destination sheet except for the formulas. I tried to use .PasteSpecial xlPasteAll...
  9. M

    VBA to copy data from multiple work book to one work book

    hello, I want macro for copy data from multiple(nearly 100) workbook placed in one folder to one master workbook with detail bellow. All work books having sheet name "list" from that sheet I want to copy cells C9, H9, H10 and H24:H29 from which H24:H29 contains formulas but in master work book i...
  10. B

    "PasteSpecial xlPasteFormulas" with relative reference with destination ListObject

    My goal is to copy-paste formulas from tableSource (a ListObject) to tableDest (also a ListObject) and to have those pasted formulas refer to tableDest, not to tableSource, which is what I get when I do a little something like this: ListObjSource.ListRows(1).Range.Copy...
  11. M

    PasteSpecial & xlPasteValuesAndNumbersFormats

    Hi All, I can't seem get my code to work where on the Input tab I want cell D4 to copy and paste just values and numbers into the B column on the KM Tab. There is a formula in D4 which is (=MAX(Detailis!B4:B51)+1) which results in 'D005' and will increase when new items get added to the list...
  12. D

    Pastespecial Macro Error: 1004

    Hello Everyone, This is my first post so apologies if I have done something wrong. I have 2 spreadsheets , one for Planning and the other one for daily whereabouts. both mirror themselves and have Data validation fields with lists defined, since when I copy from the planning to the daily...
  13. L

    VBA PasteSpecial method Worksheet class failed

    Hello everyone, I have a code which starts this: Private Sub CommandButton1_Click() Dim destination As Worksheet Set destination = Worksheets("STATS") Set myIE = CreateObject("InternetExplorer.Application") myIE.Navigate "" myIE.Visible = True...
  14. H

    Multiply then copy

    Hi - Is there a way to use a macro to multiply .Range("P" & .Rows.Count).End(xlUp) and ws1.Range("A10") then paste the value in ws1.Range("C10")? I guess I could use .Formula, but I was also reading about PasteSpecial and xlMultiply. I just haven't been able to figure out how exactly to use...
  15. M

    PasteSpecial macro not working after cut

    Hi, I am trying to cut a range in workbook1 and paste it using a PasteSpecial macro in Workbook2, but I am getting an error. The PasteSpecial macro works fine when I copy the range instead of cutting it. In macro 1, I use the following code to cut a range into the clipboard: Range(Temp...
  16. E

    VBA Code to combine VLOOKUP and Pastespecial

    Every morning I have to manually copy and paste information from cells because VLOOKUP doesn't carry over formatting. I am very beginner to VBA.... Basically I have cells that contain information laid out like such: <tbody> Product Name DOCKET ABC <del>1234</del>TEST BCD 2345 TEST...
  17. E

    VBA PasteSpecial causing Run-time error

    Good Morning, I have a workbook containing 7 sheets (4 of which are 'project list' working sheets, and 1 a summary sheet 'Gantt'). The gantt sheet has 4 contiguous tables with headers and a gantt chart line for each listed project in column D. It's format is not the same as the working sheets...
  18. Small Paul

    Paste Special - Run-Time Error 1004

    Hi I am having difficulty with a Paste Special line in my VBA and cannot work out why. I have searched various websites and tried a load of different things, without success! The section of code is: Worksheets("Required Data").Activate ActiveCell.Offset(0, 2).Copy detail = ActiveCell.value...
  19. H

    Combine 2 Macros

    Hello, I have a workbook with 3 sheets, I am trying to copy the first 2 sheets to a new workbook without formulas. Each sheet needs a set range, which is different, can I combine these 2 Macros together? Sub JointingTracker() Sheets("jointing Tracker").Copy Range("A1:P70").Copy...
  20. J

    help on syntax logic on paste special

    Hi everyone I have a small issue here and would like to seek some advice from the veteran around here. I did the following code to copy and paste some information. however, I have managed to achieve a copy and paste into the worksheet I want. How do I change the part that's in red to copy and...

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