olap cube

  1. R

    What do you called this? A Grouped/Aggregated field list pivot?

    Hi Everyone, Looking for an answer & help here, I've never seen this kind of fields in Pivot, 1. how do call it? any source link to read? 2. It's from a .CUB files, can we create these from .CSV raw data? 3. Tiempo is an aggregate from Column Year & Month in the CSV, how to create this? Thanks...
  2. E

    Item could not be found in the OLAP cube when using a variable

    Hi, I've got a workbook containing several pivot tables. I try to build a macro, so I can update outlook versions for all the tables at the same time. I have declared the outlook as a variable and inserted it into the code where the hard coded outlook used to be, but when I run the code, I get...
  3. D

    Help filtering an OLAP Cube

    Hi all, Thank you for your help ahead of time! Below is my current code. My goal is to filter a very large pivot table (connected to an OLAP Cube) with a user defined keyword. The keyword is entered through a separate userform and stored in variable pdk1. When I run this code I get an overflow...
  4. D

    Filtering a OLAP cube Pivot Table with a slicer VBA (overflow message workarounds)

    Hi all, Thanks for your help in advance! I am trying to use a slicer to filter through my OLAP cube pivot table. When I loop through all Slicer Items I get an overflow message so I replaced .Count with .VisibleSlicerItems.Count and now I am getting an "Object doesn't support this property or...
  5. I

    OLAP tools calculated measure - yesterday's revenue

    I would like to ask some MDX expert to help me with the following: 1) My calculated measure in excel looks like this and returns sales revenue in a given day: SUM([Measures].[Sales],[Time span base].[Time span base].[Days].&[41177]) 2) My second calculated measure in excel looks like this and...
  6. T

    Retrieve VisibleItemsList from OLAP PivotTable

    I have a sheet with a set of Olap Pivot tables that I would like to be able to update with the push of a button to the VisibleItemsList in 1 of the cubes. The below code works to grab the name of the Pivot Field if there is only 1 item selected but there are times when we will need to grab more...
  7. Q

    vlookup with OLAP CUBE

    Hi everyone, So here is the thing... I have 1 sheet which has several rows of data (article number e.g. 1000000, 1000001, 1000002,...) with some information next to it and I also have an OLAP running on another sheet with net values, gross margin etc per article number. How can i lookup the...
  8. L

    Slicers based on OLAP hierarchies

    Hi all Using pivottables from olap data sources I often use slicers for filters since end users find it easier. This works great on non-hierarchied dimensions so if for instance I select region-country=canada, then my region-city slicer will only display canadian cities to choose from (due to...
  9. H

    Shorten this VBA Code

    Hi I have this Code, that i would like to shorten Because it's long and slow?. Some of the line is recorded with the "record macro" function. The pivottables pulls data from an OLAP Cube! Can anyone help? Sub RunAll() 'Kører følgende makro'er Call Makro1 Call Makro2 Call...
  10. R

    All pivot tables with OLAP Cube data sources refreshing instead of specified pivot

    Hi All, First post but let me thank the board for all the knowledge i've gained from this board, I'm self taught with VBA and have come a long way with the help from this great resource! My question is somewhat of the opposite of what most users are asking for which is why i started this...
  11. C

    OLAP Pivot table - drop down data not getting refreshed

    Hi (I have been advised to re-post the question in Excel or SQL Analysis services forum)I have two Pivot tables which are connected to an OLAP Cube and the data in table gets refreshed when Data->Refresh->Refresh All is done, but for some reason the drop down list does not get refreshed. There...
  12. L

    Moving data from a Cellset to a Worksheet

    Hi, I'm querying an OLAP source using ADO from VBA with code similar to below : Set rs = New Cellset With rs .Open sQry, cnn End With Usually I dump the Cellset into an array and then dump to the worksheet in one pass. This doesn't work with a big query (1m rows+) due...
  13. N

    opening odc:OfficeDataConnection and opening few columns by default

    am generating an excel file using odc:OfficeDataConnection xml method. My command type is cube and commandText is cube name. Now this works fine and generates an empty excel at runtime. People can choose the fields they want and see the pivotTable. But my issue is I need to set a few columns...
  14. W

    Creating nice-looking advanced charts, dashboards

    Hello, Excel world! I've managed to go through basic books about creating charts in Excel. I can say, I even learned some tricks to make reports/dashboards nicer. But browsing though web, I found some really amazing reports done in Excel. Reality-check: need to learn A LOT more to get to that...
  15. S

    Pivot Table w/OLAP cube connection- restore defaults after user edits

    I've searched everywhere for the answer to this for 48 hours now and I really need some help. We're using a pivot table with an OLAP cube connection and we're getting false-positive results because of a user error. We have 4 row labels to classify the data and we're experiencing problems with...
  16. N

    VBA - Pivot Table with rolling months

    Hi. I have a report with a rolling date field from an OLAP cube - eg sales for previous 3 months March, April and May are shown. So in Junes report I want to update this rolling 3 month period to then show April, May and June. I can do this with a macro but only if i have a specific macro for...
  17. L

    OLAP Cube or MSQuery for a Pivot Table

    Hello, I'm looking at joining data from many workbook tabs into one pivot table... (I've gotten as far as combining (UNION) the data using ranges in MSQuery) to complete the task is it better to use MSQuery or an OLAP cube? (I'm leaning toward the cube, but I have never used one.) And when I...
  18. G

    Stop auto-refresh on Pivot Tables

    Hello, <?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /><o:p></o:p> <o:p></o:p> Does anyone know how to stop a pivot table automatically refreshing when you drag & drop options in from the navigation panel?? :confused: Is this a setting in the OLAP cube that needs to...

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