no blanks

  1. D

    Return lookup/index(match) list based on partial text - with no blanks

    Hello, I've been trying to work to get this right for a few days, but to no avail, and would appreciate help. Here is a preview of the data: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N 1 2 3 LISTS LISTS LISTS LISTS 4...
  2. S

    If not (empty selection) then ...

    Good morning to all, An easy one.. I have the following code, it works, but it breaks whenever somebody chooses a full column ($A:$A) as it selects all the blank cells and performs all the loop to all cells.. How may the code be adapted in order to work with the selected range EXCEPT blanks...
  3. Z

    Data Validation List with No Blanks

    I'm currently configuring a workbook that we send to customers to fill out with their employee names, emails, manager names etc. So I would have something like this: <tbody> Employee Name Manager Organization Jane Smith Org 1 John Smith Jane Smith Org 2 No Data No Data No Data No Data...
  4. N

    Data Validation ( no blanks) based on a dependant cell

    HELP Ok so I want to be able to select in cell; A1 either a tool or a task (fixed data) using a drop down list. Once I select what I want in cell A1; I want Cell B1 to have a drop down list that refers to a list of either tools or a list of tasks depending what is selected in cell A1. In the...
  5. H

    How to formulate no-blanks array formula?

    In my worksheet I have a table (RECIPES) with a list of ingredients in column A (A2:A50), a list of recipes in row 1(B1:K1), and the quantity of each ingredient required for each recipe in the range (B2:K50). On a different worksheet I created a new table (DAILYMENU) and in row A1 there is a...
  6. I

    Formula based column B return A in list format

    Hello I am very inexperienced with Excel. I am hoping that someone can give me some help. How do a create a list based on frequency without blanks. "Daily duties", "Weekly Duties"? What I have is a worksheet (Duties-Alpha) This has column A Duty, Column B Frequency, Column C Responsible Pary...

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