nested if and lookup.

  1. R

    Multiple nested IF STATEMENTS with NESTED VLOOKUP or INDEX?MATCH with LEFT in each nest

    Hello. Im a bit new to the INDEX and MATCH method and I'm really not sure if thats the best way, or if VLOOKUOP is better, or something else entirely. I have a workbook with several sheets, the first is "invoice form", this is where the formula is located. The rest of the sheets coincide with a...
  2. D

    VBA Macro script help

    Hi All, Anyone Please give the VBA excel script for below excel formula IF(E2=F2,"",IF(F2="",E2,IF(E2<>"",LEFT(E2&" ",30)&F2,IF(F2="","",LEFT(E2&" ",30)&F2)))) and IFERROR(VLOOKUP(E2,Sheet3!$A$2:$B$678,2,0),"") will be Much...

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