multiple sheet

  1. P

    Moving rows to different sheets based on drop down.

    Hello! Thank you in advance for visiting my post. I understand there have been a couple posts here already that ask for help regarding VBA code and moving data from one sheet to another based on a drop-down value, I appreciate your help nonetheless. ---------- We are approaching territory...
  2. P

    Rename multiple sheets based on sheets number and cell value

    Dear all, I'm trying to create a macro for my excel file where I want it to rename sheets name based on a certain range in one sheets and each cell value will refer to a specific sheet number Attached an example excel file I want to use the value in the sheet ProjectInfo range between B20:B29...
  3. C

    VBA - copy/paste (same) range several times next to eachother in different sheets incl. formatting

    Greetings everyone! I'm relatively new to this world and I've tried to solve my problem with macro recordings, tinkering with those and hitting up google but I did not yet get the hang of it. While being able to create single, individual steps when lucky, interconnecting several and of those...
  4. J

    VBA dynamic last row for multiple sheets

    Ok so I'm a bit frustrated with several failed attempts at this. I have a workbook with many worksheets. I have code to loop through each sheet (except one) and perform different calculations for certain rows. I then take those calculations and attempt to paste them 3 and 4 rows after the last...
  5. C

    Collect data from multiple sheets using Index/Match

    Hi! I´m kind of a basic excel user and struggeling with collecting data from different sheets. First of, the Excel is in Swedish, so heres a short dictionary: #SAKNAS! = NA PASSA = MATCH -------------------------------------------- What i want to do: In my HEAD-tab is where I want all the...
  6. U

    VBA Create a Copy of Sheet Multiple Times

    Hi Guys, I was wondering if you could help me on this. I have this Sheet with tab name "All Region" which is a formatted list. I want to create 8 copies onto the same workbook and just rename it as follows: 1. Germany 2. France 3. UK 4. US 5. Ireland 6. Canada 7. Other EU 8. Asia Any help...
  7. E

    Update Cells from Certain Tabs based on Value other cells

    I have a workbook with 1 tab per calendar day for basic Hotel/guest management system. Each tab has a table to manage daily check in / check out info & payments made by customers. I want to be able to have a formula on each tab that recognizes the check in & check out date and: 1) Updates all...
  8. M

    Create a chart with data from multiple sheets

    Hello, I am new at VBA and I definetly need some help. I am trying to create a XY graph with data from multiple sheets. All the sheets have the same structure and different names. The number of sheets can vary from one file to another. I recorded the macro of what I need but it is only working...
  9. P

    Copy single column from different sheets and paste it in master sheet side by side

    I have a workbook that has 500+ sheets naming sheet1, sheet 2,sheet3......sheet500...each sheet has multiple columns. I need to copy 'M column' of each sheet and paste it in a master sheet. like from sheet1.. O column in master sheet in A Column, from sheet2 ..O column in master sheet in B...
  10. I

    Copying data across multiple sheets

    I've been looking for an answer to this but haven't found it yet, so I apologize if this exists somewhere already. I'm trying to make a database of multiple workgroups (1 per tab) and have a combined tab that copies all of the information (based on the individuals name) over. The formula I have...
  11. G

    Formula to Align identical Cells/strings which are present on different sheets

    Hi, I have an issue whereby i have 5 different sheets of information Each sheet signifies a different category. Each sheet contains two columns. One with a code and the other with the value of that code in that particular category. Example; Sheet 1: <tbody> Open 71224 $20.00 71848...
  12. D

    Print multiple sheets to PDF, Email as attachment

    Hi, I've looked at many different codes and can't get any of them to work for my particular situation. I'm too new to VBA to understand how to combine the ones I can find. I would like to print 2 sheets (Client Letter, Client Breakdown) to PDF. File name to be contents of cell A1 save to...
  13. S

    Conditional formatting between two worksheets

    Hi - I have a large spreadsheet with multiple tabs in it. I'm looking for a conditional formatting solution for the following - I'll explain: Say in my worksheet I have Tab1 and Tab2. Tab1 has a list of customers we work with based on submissions they send in. on Tab2, I keep track of these...
  14. N

    Ranking across multiple excel sheets

    Hi all, I was wondering if you could help. I have sixteen worksheets all player names (ie John, David, Joanna, Laura) each sheet uses the same template of tests in column A and the Score in column B. I would like to rank each players score for that specific test in column C . Ie 1600m...
  15. T

    Sending out multiple emails from multiple sheets in a single workbook based on listed dates.

    I’ve seen several threads and videos addressing how to use a macro to send an email from excel using outlook. All good there. However, I’ve got a significantly more difficult task to try to accomplish. I’m trying to get a button added to my first sheet in the workbook that will search each...
  16. D

    Copying multiple workbooks to multiple workbooks

    I have hundreds of workbook that contain data that have to be pasted onto respective workbooks and I wrote 4 modules. Sub AllFiles() Dim folderPath As String Dim filename As String Dim wb As Workbook folderPath = "C:\Users\HKIEd\Downloads" 'change to suit If...
  17. S

    VBA Copy Paste Multiple Sheet to one Master Sheet

    Hello Everyone, I would like to ask an assistance, I am new in scripting VBA and I need help on how I can transfer all the data from multiple sheets to one Master sheet in the Excel File. I have 6 Sheets where I'll get the data and the data are in Range A7:K16 (this range applies to all the...
  18. R

    Import data from workbooks, convert them and paste it in "main" Workbook

    Hello MrExcel forumers and experts, For sometime now I'm facing this problem I have and I'm hoping that you guys can help me solve it. I've tried using the advanced search but none really solve the exact issue I'm having. Here it goes: I need help extracting and editing data from several...
  19. P

    How to format/modify data in clones of a sheet through vba?

    Assume I am having some clones of a sheet (copies of a sheet). How to work with those clones (format/modify data) at a single time? (through vba). What is the default way of doing it? and Is there a way to do it without working with the selection (suggested by the record macro). Thanks in...
  20. G

    Need to Count Text Entries Across Multiple Sheet That Correspond With Criteria in the Same Row

    Hello, This is Military Spreadsheet that involves troop movement so I have to be very vague but I'll try not to be confusing. Here's a problem I'm having. I need to count how many times text (any text/numbers/combination of the two) appear in a column across multiple sheets. Here's the...

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