
  1. S

    Cannot unprotect Sheet from Module

    Hello! I have a strange issue. On my worksheet, I initiate macros with added right-click buttons. The macro first unlocks the sheet, changes the cells' (carried via parameter) content (clears), and locks it again. During the subroutine's step-by-step debug everything works fine. However, when...
  2. S

    macro to copy vba macro

    I was hoping someone might be able to give me some code to help me copy the contents of a macro, i.e. the coding itself, into a text file. The name of the macro can be "module1" for the sake of the argument. Thank you!
  3. S

    Calling add-in module subroutine from sheet function tied to ActiveX button

    I have an add-in file, MyAddIns.xlam, that contains a module named Module1 with a number of functions that are intended to be mapped to buttons in another spreadsheet. One example is the following: Public Sub Test() ... End Sub Originally it was "Private Sub Test(), but that gave the same...
  4. M

    Passing Userform Vairiable to Main Module

    Right now, my macro starts Module1 [Sub simpleXlsMerger()], which opens a userform that collects start and end dates using 2 datepicker controls. The dates are collected in another sub procedure [Private Sub CmdOK_Click()]. How do I pass these dates back to Module1? I’ve read that I need to...
  5. H

    Userform Function Call works in Module2 but not Module1

    Hello! I have an option button collection which monitors changes. When a new option button is selected, I want to pass the .Caption of that button into a userform update. Ultimately, the code in question ends up looking like this: Sub Update(caption As String) UserForm1.updateButton(caption)...

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