
  1. Y

    Shift & manpower calulation

    HI Formula or macro need for the below request. 1. shift per plan need calculated - formula need ( whether i need to operate 1 , 2or 3 shift) based on the cycle time and shift working hour. 2.based on the shift per days total no of working days calculated ,- how the batch or team need to...
  2. Guzzlr

    Find, Intersect Title

    Hello All, Sub Find_ManHours() Dim Fnd As Range Set Fnd = Range("A:A").Find("MAN-HOURS:", , , xlWhole, , , False, , False) If Not Fnd Is Nothing Then Intersect(Range("4:5000"), Fnd.EntireColumn).Copy Range("G4").PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteValues End If End Sub...

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