loop through controls

  1. szita2000

    How to loop through ActiveX Controls placed on sheet

    Hi guys. I am building a loop that will filter certain things within a date range. I have to put some basic controls on the worksheet where the data is. In this fashion. What I'm trying to do is to disable the optionbuttons when the user enters a date in to the textboxes (I did not use...
  2. F

    Creating a collection or array of CommandButtons

    Hello fellows, this is my first post so even though I read the recommendations I am sorry if I make any posting mistakes. I was assigned to optimize a very old Excel 2003 / VBA file. This is a huge file with literally thousands of controls (Labels, Textboxes, ListBoxes, CommandButtons, etc). It...
  3. S

    Looping a macro to build a report

    OK, forgive me for being overly verbose here. I will try and keep this brief but want to include all the info anybody out there with the right knowledge might need to help solve my problem; as such I am going to explain my issue as I would to a five year old - as much for my own sake as for...
  4. L

    Setfocus is not working after a looping through the textbox

    I have an "Input data" form and all I'd like to do was to add a code so when the user press the button Ok it'd check each texbox and if it's empty show a error message and setfocus back to the empty textbox.<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /><o:p></o:p>...

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