linking workbooks

  1. D

    Formula for linked workbooks that toggles different worksheet names to reference versions of prices

    I have 2 workbooks; QuoteWorkbook which there will be thousands of copies, and a MasterWorkbook which will hold an inventory of prices for the QuoteWorkbook to reference. MasterWorkbook has multiple copies of PricingWorksheets for QuoteWorkbook to reference one of. The goal is to be able to...
  2. L

    Linking Excel Workbooks, #REF problem

    So I've linked two separate workbooks, let's call them each work book: WB-A and WB-B and they are each contained within one folder. "WB-A" feeds "WB-B" which does a calculation based on the inputs in "WB-A". Then "WB-B" outputs it's calculations back into "WB-A". I've simply linked the cells...
  3. S

    VBA Lookup Help

    Can anyone tell me why this line of code is not working: ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = "=IF(RC[-5]>0,VLOOKUP(RC[-5],'C:\Users\Scott A. Schmeling\Google Drive\HCA Files\Projection Files\Projection Spreadsheets\Org 5110 Projections.xlsx'!Table2[#All],3),"")" I keep getting an application defined...
  4. Y

    Linking Checkboxes to another workbook

    Hi there, I'm looking for a way to count a certain amount of my workbooks that have a certain value. i.e. I have a quoting system with excel, which I am wanting to add in a checkbox for the Employee to tick once the quote has been accepted. My intention is for a separate workbook to have a...
  5. T

    Link cells to a folder to find most recent data

    Is it possible to link cells to a folder and have it select the most recent workbook to get the data from? All the workbooks in the folder have the date in the title.
  6. R

    Linking Workbooks on different Excel Apps, same PC?

    On my PC I have no problem starting Excel, opening two files that are linked and seeing the destination file change instantly when I update the source file. However, if instead I start two Excel applications and open only one file in each the link does not work. For instance If I add a test...
  7. M

    linking multiple workbooks: #n/a error

    I am using excel 2007 to create a series of linked workbooks in excel 97-2003 format on sharepoint. I have one source file that links to 32 destination files. The source file contains multiple tabs. All values are text. I am copying a cell range and using the paste link function in the...
  8. V

    Linking variable values between 2 excel files

    Hi guys I have a though question and my search hasn't paid anything off, so this is my last resort let's say. I have 2 excel files. Excel A : excel file from our supplier Excel B : excel file containing our products we sell The point is having values where our purchase price from our...
  9. A

    Link problems excel 2007 to excel 2003

    Hi, I have two excel workbooks, one created in excel 2003 and the other using excel 2007. When i link a cell from the excel 2007 workbook to a cell in excel 2003 workbook (that has some text in it), it shows a "#N/A" message. However if i then open the excel 2003 workbook using excel 2007...
  10. S

    Link 2 excel Workbooks together with SUMIF Function

    <HR style="COLOR: #ffffff; BACKGROUND-COLOR: #ffffff" SIZE=1> <!-- / icon and title --><!-- message --> I am trying to link 2 excel Workbooks together and I am wondering if using the SUMIF Function is the best way to do this. I will try to explain and illustrate my position. First I have a...
  11. K

    Complicated cross referencing excel workbooks and files question!

    I really don't know if this is even possible in excel but will try to explain what I am trying to do and if it is possible this will save a lot of time!! I have a master workbook with client number as column heading and various other headings across the worksheet. Down the column for client...

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