
  1. H

    Match Cell Data Based on Cell Value and Iterate Down Rows

    PLEASE NEED HELP I have a sheet ("Sheet D") with different column headings from ("Sheet A") except for a part numbers column. I need to be able to go to ("Sheet D") and iterate down each row for the part number and find the matching part number in ("Sheet A"). If the part number from ("Sheet...
  2. M

    VBA macro: Iterating through all sheets, copying data range based on condition to master sheet

    Context: I am trying to set up a library of plants in Excel that I can select and see their state throughout the year, so I know what plants to add to make a good-looking garden. The moment I press the button, that I included in the Master sheet, I want the Master sheet to show the plants I...
  3. A

    Distance between coordinates (all compared against each other - iterate?)

    Hi guys, I'm been reading and looking for a solution for this but I'm struggling, so I decided to ask for help. Imagine I have a list of coordinates and I would like to have the distance in meters from each other. Example: coordinate1 - distance to coordinate2, coordinate3, coordinate_n...
  4. E

    VBA Recipe calculator sum the ingredients

    Hello, I need a piece of code that will calculate the quantities of needed ingredients for some products but i am stuck with some 2d arrays and the code messed up. Can you please help me? In the attached images, -the result for ingredient1 is 40 because we need 20 cakes and we use 2 pcs in...
  5. P

    Formula to iterate a date by hour

    Good morning all, Is there a formula that can help automatically iterate a date to the next hour, as so? Thanks for your help! <tbody> A 1 Mon 1/8/18 12:00 AM 2 Mon 1/8/18 1:00 AM [=A1,Hour++] 3 Mon 1/8/18 2:00 AM [=A2,Hour++] </tbody>
  6. L

    Loop Vlookup

    Hi all. I'm stuck trying to get either VBA or excel to perform a Vlookup on a single column/range of data that contains more than one text instance and loop the vlookup on that cells text. What I essentially want to do is to Vlookup each cell's text entry word by word. So if the cell contains...
  7. B

    Automate trying new values until a valid number in a certain cell is achieved

    So I have a file here where I want to do something. If we fix P (Cell B8) and want to find where the fugacity ratio (cell H12) is 1 (i.e. system at equilibrium), I need to use solver/goalseek to vary the T (Cell B7) until H12 = 1. The...
  8. M

    Find Group Box and Iterate through controls

    Hello all! I hope I'm posting in the correct section, and that there are no duplicate questions. This is my first post, and I've been searching for the past hour to find this answer. I have been programming for 4 years now but I'm new to VBA. I'm trying to make a simple interface of...
  9. philfriday

    Complex data transfer from one workbook to another

    Hi guys, I have two workbooks (different files) that I need to feed information from one to another. The source has different funds (European Growth Portfolio, etc.) listed horizontally and products (Ultra 75/75 Series, etc.) listed vertically. The intersections contain add if they need to be...
  10. S

    Iterate through Userforms and Textboxes within Userforms

    Hi, I am using a number of userforms containing textboxes to gather data from users. Within a module i would then like to iterate through each textbox in each userform and assign the value of the textbox to a variable: I have tried a few different things but with no success. Below is the code...
  11. I

    Iterate a sequence for every file in a folder

    So I have a whole bunch of workbooks that I want to do the same thing to. How can I loop the below bit of code for every file in a given folder? Windows("Inputexample1.xlsm").Activate Sheets("Wool").Select Range("A8:A23").Select Selection.Copy...
  12. F

    Need help Urgently - vba looping

    Hello everyone, I want Column B to reflect the parent of Column A, using VBA. I think i should make an iteration, removing digits of Column A until the value is found in Column A. Here an example: <tbody> Column A Column B 1 11 1111 12 1222 122224 </tbody> I want...
  13. F

    Macro to iterate vlookups

    Hello everyone! I have the following problem: I want to find the parent value for each account, as you may see on the following example: Account Parent Column C 1 11 11111 121 1211 12111111 I want the VBA to find the parent value of each Account and...
  14. B

    VBA to normalize files in a folder

    First of all, thank you for all the support I got here during my previous question. I much appreciate it. I am still learning VBA, slowly getting the hang of it, but now I've ran across a complex problem which I have just no idea how to handle. Here is how it goes. I have my workbook stored...
  15. U

    How to perform a simulation in Excel (Iterate through multiple test scenarios)

    I have a very complex set of formulas which take in two static numeric input parameters, and results in two values. For example: Input Parameters (B1, B2) Salespeople Profit Margin Output Values (B3, B4) Revenue Profit I manually manipulate my two input parameters, and the...
  16. J

    concatenate three cells as long as there is content in column a

    Hey all, I'm trying to convert a formula into a macro. But I am having difficulty having the formula apply to each row as long as there is content in column a. Once column a is empty, then I want to macro to end. This is what I have: Sub prepare4Sweep() LR = Range("A" &...

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