if formula problems

  1. G

    IF Formula...????

    We are trying to compare two pricing models. Short Course Fees * Paying per users per month only Last year we had 3750 paying users (D3) Divided by 12 (months) equals 312.5 users per month Monthly enrolments calculated as per D5 - F8 table Leaner Tier Price Model * Annual fee charged per...
  2. K

    Vlookup affecting an IF formula - multiple If Formula

    Hi I am using the following formula in IA7 to work out total hours between the end of one shift and the start of another: =IF(ISBLANK(HW7),"",IF(IB7="","",MOD(IB7-HX7,1))) This was working fine until I entered a Vlookup formula into HW7 which now enters 00.00 into the cell and therefore...
  3. P

    Conditional sum?

    I have a question about a conditional sum/if formula. Here is my table: <TABLE style="WIDTH: 464pt; BORDER-COLLAPSE: collapse" border=0 cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width=618 x:str><COLGROUP><COL style="WIDTH: 48pt" width=64><COL style="WIDTH: 80pt; mso-width-source: userset; mso-width-alt...
  4. P

    simple If formula with buttons

    I am trying to use a simple if formula to look at the true or false column that is produced when the user checks or unchecks a button. The formula doesn't seem to recognize the words. Any ideas? Here is the formula I am using, E3 contains a button that links to G3 and produces either checked...
  5. P

    IF formula assistance

    hi, I hope someone might be able to help me formulate a simple bonus payment spreadsheet! I am trying to fathom "less than greater than" syntax in a formula without much success...! In simple terms I am trying to find a formula that says: In n27 i need a formula "if n26 (total revenue)...
  6. B

    Using an OR in an IF Function

    I'll try to phrase my question as clearly as I can so that you wonderful people can help me! ;) I have Column A and Column B with Data, Column C is where I want to do the Formula and Column D is where I have the labels. Column D is where we label a certain piece of business as registered...
  7. M

    multiple IF functions, expert excel users please help

    how do I have multiple if functions all in one cell? i.e:- =if(and(this cell equals this and this cell equals this display = "","") =if(and(this cell equals this and this cell equals this display = "","") =if(and(this cell equals this and this cell equals this display = "","")...
  8. P

    logical test for if statement

    I am trying to age some outstanding checks in an excel formatted 'register'. I have created columns to the right of the data entries for "1 year", "2 years", etc. representing the length of time that the check has remained outstanding. I am trying to write the formula for 2 years, 3 years ...
  9. S

    If Formula ignoring 0, help???

    Hi Guys I have a database that I am using an If formula to determine a result however some cells that have a zero value are throwing my results. Can anyone help please. This is the formula I am using =IF((F4<F$44),"STRESS","OK") Thanks In Advance
  10. M

    IF formula to return blanks

    Hi all, I'm trying to build a formula to return 0,1 or 3 depending on the values entered into C9,D9. Its a football scorecard! However it reurns 1 when the values in C9,D9 are blanks or text. How do I get the formula to ignore the cells when C9,D9 have no scores in yet...
  11. R

    Combining ABS and ISERROR

    I need to modify the statement below to include ISERROR so that it will also display N/A for a variance percentage calculator. Is it possible to insert in this string. Any suggestions are welcomed. =IF(AI34<>0,IF(ABS((Y34-AI34)/AI34*100)>1000,"N/A",((Y34-AI34)/AI34*100)),"N/A")
  12. J

    if formulas

    Im trying to write a formula that calculates progressive values from a single input. If I input Sales in cell A1 I want cell A2 to return the value in A1 if it is <= A1. I then want to set parameters at say 1,000,000 breakpoints for cells A2 - A6. So if Sales in A1 were 3,500,000 then A2 =...
  13. S

    IF Formula, Sum and FALSE

    I am sure the title doesn't help what I am having problems with, but was drawing a blank on what to put. ANYWAY! I am working on an IF Formula to do different things if different cells are True or False. This is what I have so far...

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