
  1. mole999

    hyper links to Chrome from Cell

    I have been using =HYPERLINK("http://gridreferencefinder.com/","GRF" ) for a while work has suddenly started to use from the desktop "C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe" https://servicedesk.x anyone do that? and replicate it as a cell hyperlink, I've tinkered and each...
  2. B

    Hyper link to file location

    How do I write a formula to insert a hyperlink to the folder that the file is in, and still show the full path name?
  3. A

    Hyperlink in PPT opens an Excel File AutoFilterd

    Hi Guys, I wonder if there is any possibility, to use a hyper link from PPT to an EXCEL file. Once the Excel file is opened, the immediate action will be Auto Filtering to the exact value that i have clicked on hyper link. For example: the Hyper link value is: 'Diagnostic' - opens a linked...
  4. J

    Indexing Macro with Hyperlink

    Hey All, Using 2007 Excel- This macro is not working. It makes an index of every single sheet then hyper links it on the index. Does anyone have some insight or a better code? Private Sub indexer() Dim wSheet As Worksheet Dim l As Long l = 1 With Me...
  5. B

    VBA - Adding Hyper link to cell doesn't work

    Hi All, I have a piece of code that adds a hyperlink to a cell: Cells(rowno1, 7).Select ActiveSheet.Hyperlinks.Add Anchor:=Selection, Address:=Link & CompanyName & " - " & ProjectTitle & "\" & TrackTitle & " - " & Publisher & ".xlsm", TextToDisplay:=Publisher In the above "Publisher" is...

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