hidden sheet

  1. tlc53

    VBA Code won't run correctly if sheet hidden

    Hi, I have the following module VBA code which saves a report located on a different sheet (sheet80) to a PDF file. I would like to have sheet80 hidden as it's all formulated and the report does not need editing. However, when I run the code on a different sheet, it only works correctly if...
  2. C

    Comparing two range of dates

    Hey everyone, So I have a bit of a conundrum with a code I've been working on. So currently I have this code running: Option Explicit Public SelectItem3 As String, pos3 As Long Private Sub AddDate() Dim b As Object, RowNumber As Integer Set b = ActiveSheet.Buttons(Application.Caller)...
  3. 0

    Autofilter Macro to Copy to Hidden Sheet

    Morning All, I've used the below code to create an Autofilter Copy and Paste macro to search a database and copy documents with matching criteria to a new sheet within a workbook. Sub Copy_With_AutoFilter_ToExisting() Dim My_Range As Range Dim DestSh As Worksheet Dim CalcMode As...
  4. L

    Paste formatting on hidden sheet and deselect "paste" range without activating sheet?

    All, I've searched the interwebs and all signs seem to indicate that there's no way to remove the selection range on a hidden sheet if you copy and paste formatting only unless you activate the sheet, but I'm hoping maybe there's just some clever method I've missed. Here's what I'm doing: I'm...
  5. M

    Hyperlink to Hidden Sheet - Windows HP - Excel 2010

    Hi There, I'm creating a Dashboard with 30+ Hidden sheets and I'm trying to create a Hyperlink from the Dashboard page to the relevant hidden sheet. I have been watching Mr Excel #1729 however, when it says to "watch" target, I am unable too, I don't get the + sign to open it up. Therefore...
  6. M

    Display sheets depending on 'log in' credentials

    Hi Guys/Gals, Firstly, I do not want to use Application UserName for this project and I do not want to create a user form for the log in. I have a number of departmental sheets in a workbook, which contain sensitive information. I want to set the work book to open with all sheets hidden except...
  7. Q

    Can i protect the hidden sheet ?

    I have a hidden sheet that is being used as a sample. IT SHOULD ALWAYS stay hidden, is there a way to KEEP IT HIDDEN so users can not unhide it ? If they unhide my VBA codes my not work. I do not want to use protect sheet option since it closes everything . I only need to keep it hidden all the...
  8. Q

    Hidden sheet is being used when i am using my custom auto renaming sheets button, how to ignore it

    Please help with the following issue that i have I have 1 visible sheet which is named ECOSHEET 1 , ECOSHEET 1 has two button in it . ( i will explain what those do ) I also have 1 hidden sheet that i named it ECOSHEET X those two buttons in the first sheet does the following button # 1 when...
  9. M

    Hyperlink to open hidden worksheets

    I have a workbook with many work sheets. My main sheet (called Last 10 days reports) has links to other sheets. I would like to hide all sheets except the main sheet (Last 10 days reports) when the user opens the file. When the user clicks on any hyperlink to any worksheet. Main Sheet (Last 10...
  10. H

    I need to make 2 sheets in my workbook hidden and only appear with a password.

    I am using Excel 2003. I have a workbook with about 20 sheets in it. 1. I would like the workbook to always open up with the first 2 sheets hidden. 2. I would like an administrator to be able to unhide those sheets, when prompted for a password to unhide. 3. After the administrator edits and...
  11. T

    VBA - Copying from hidden worksheet and inserting rows/pasting in seperate worksheet

    I have a hidden worksheet ("RawDataSheet") that pulls from a database, on which column "O" contains the month, i.e. August, September, etc., but not necessarily ALL months. I've written a short macro that finds the distinct months in "O" and copies/pastes them into another worksheet...
  12. E

    Paste All Cells as Values on a Hidden Sheet - VBA

    Hi, I want to copy and paste all cells as values on a hidden sheet. When the sheet is not hidden, I currently do this: Cells.Select Selection.Copy Selection.PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteValues However, I know you cannot use select on a hidden sheet. Has anyone...
  13. C

    Hyperlink to Hidden Sheets

    Hi there I have a worksheet with 7 Sheets. The first sheet is a summary and I’ve created hyperlinks to the other 6 sheets for a person to access from the main page. [Sheet names: Sheet1 (Summary), Sheet2 (100% Complete), Sheet3 (Almost Complete), Sheet4 (One Piece), Sheet5 (Two Pieces), Sheet...
  14. D

    Access to hidden sheet

    I have a worksheet that is hidden (xlsheetveryhidden). Is there a way to add and read data from this sheet while its hidden--without constantly hide and unhide it??
  15. B

    Disappearing Workbook Excel 07

    Hi, I have a spreadsheet that when inactive disappears from the taskbar, in fact it never appears in the taskbar, the only way I can view it is to click on View>Switch Windows and then select the speadsheet from the list of open files. I can't understand why this keeps happening, any ideas...
  16. S

    Hyperlink to hidden sheet

    Is it possible to hyperlink to a hidden sheet in Excel?! I was using the following code: Private Sub Worksheet_FollowHyperlink(ByVal Target As Hyperlink) Dim strShtName As String strShtName = Left(Target.Parent, InStr(1, Target.Parent, "!") - 1) With Worksheets("Potential -...

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