
  1. B

    Hyperlinks in Text Boxes

    Is there a way to place multiple hyperlinks in a single text box? Every time I select some text to make into a hyperlink, it makes the entire text box the link. I have a long Excel workbook comprised of long text boxes for ease of alignment purposes. I'm using Excel instead of Word because...
  2. L

    Identify textbox in Activex Frame (in another Frame)

    Hello guys, hope somebody can help me :-) I am working now with ActiveX controls and stucked little bit.. on sheet1 I have ActiveX Frame, inside this Frame I have another two frames and inside those frames, I will have textboxes...Do you pls know, how can I identify those textboxes and extract...
  3. sharky12345

    Group Option buttons in different frames

    Can anyone tell me if it is possible to group Option buttons that are in different frames on a userform?
  4. P

    Looking for ideas: Userform Initializing Textbox arrangements

    I've designed a userform using Frames. I'm new to frames and trying to learn how to utilize them. Right now I've got 4 frames (the number of frames will be 11 when I'm done building the userform), and each one of them has a different number of textboxes in them. In the UserForm1.Initialize sub...
  5. M

    Looping Through Frames Looping through Option Buttons

    Hi all! I am relatively skilled with VBA but cannot find a better way to do this... I have a userform with 63 frames. Currently I'm transferring my data out with 63 iterations of the following: For Each ctrl In Frame1.Controls If ctrl.Value = True Then home.Offset(j, icol) =...
  6. R

    Userform Objects During Runtime

    Hello, I just started learning how to create objects during runtime and I am currently having a problem with creating multiple frames horizontally and I can't seem to line them up properly as each frames has their own width. Can someone help me out with creating multiple frames considering that...
  7. ClimoC

    Alternative to ActiveX control in Sheet?

    Howdy So the project I'm doing has me at a crossroads. The PERFECT candidate for what I'm trying to achieve is a Frame control. It's isolated, scrollable... it's just that in a worksheet they're the devil. Simply trying to add one at runtime throws up odd exceptions and bugs ("Cannot enter...
  8. V

    TabIndex - Frames

    Hello all I have a userform in excel with multiple frames each containing text boxes I am trying to Tabindex across the frames but it will not work with the Properties window Is there another way please of completing this IE Frame1 Texbox1 = 1 Frame2 TextBox2 = 2 Frame3 TextBox3 = 3 At...
  9. B

    How to stop scrollbar from jumping to active frame

    I have a userform with a frame (called Parent_Frame) that takes up the entire userform and the vertical scrollbar is activated. Inside this frame about halfway is 3 menu items each which active another frame underneath of them. Well all works well however right when I click on one of these inner...
  10. P

    Check if radio button is selected in frames.

    I tried searching for this but as i dont know the command I can't seem to find the code. What im trying to do, I think is pretty easy. I have a Userform with two frames with 4 radio buttons in one and 2 radio buttons in another. The user must select one in both frames when clicking a command...
  11. S

    [VBA Userform] How to loop through all frames on a userform

    I can't find a Frames collection in userform. How to loop through all frames on a UF? Dim c As MSForms.Controls For Each c In UTool.Controls If TypeName(c) = "Frame" Then c.BorderStyle = fmBorderStyleNone End If Next Thanks a lot!
  12. P

    frame visible problem

    Hi all I wonder if some one can help me please. I am working on a userform on this form there are 10 frames all hidden until a number is inputted into a textbox so if textbox = 4 then 4 frames become visible, within these frames are textboxes and what the code below is doing is checking these...
  13. richh

    Loop through controls within multiple frames

    Is there any way to loop through the frames and cycle through the controls within them? I'm not as familar with frames as I thought... I'm trying to verify that data has been entered into my controls before going forward. the loop will highlight the requred controls and exit the code if a...
  14. J

    VBA Return focus to a text box within a frame

    Hello all, Today I am working with a text box that is the last in a frame. I've been trying to make a message box appear if the user types too many number in textbox1. I used an exit event for textbox1, but I guess that doesn't work because it is within frame1, and the next object in the tab...
  15. T

    IE automation after recent IE updates

    The recent updates to IE11 got rid of a bunch of useful stuff for VBA, like document.all and execScript. Is anyone else having issues as a result of the update? For example, I had this line that worked on multiple versions of IE, including IE11 until the recent update...
  16. M

    VBScript and Frames using contentWindow

    Hello Guys, I have this issue, I'm creating a Macro that is automating a process in a Web Page, but this page have a lot of frames. So when I get the value of the object it only have the values of the frame Set IE = CreateObject("InternetExplorer.Application") IE.Visible = False...
  17. S

    limpiar textboxes colocados en frames, que a su vez están contenidos en pages, de un multipage..

    Hola, mi caso es que tengo 50 cuadros de texto los cuales estoy limpiando con la siguiente instrucción If lstListaDeCuentas = 10 Then '(limpia todos los textboxes) ufBajas.MultiPage1.Page1.Frame1.txt_A1 = "" '... (...txt_B2, ...txt_C3, etc., hasta 50) End If Como mencioné, los textboxes...
  18. R

    Shared workbook only retains frames for first user in file.

    Hi. We have a shared workbook (version 2003) on a shared drive that sometimes has up to 10 people accessing it at the same time. I have set the frames on all the worksheets to B9 and saved the file. The first person to open the file has frames. Subsequent (simultaneous) users do not...
  19. D

    VBA IE automation: can't access objects inside a frame: run-time error 438

    Hi, long-time listener, first-time caller… I have about 2 months’ experience programming with VBA. I just wanted to make Excel do a few repetitive tasks for me, and now I’m hooked. I have a whole new respect for the Office suite, now that I know it’s capable of so much. I have a hair-trigger...
  20. 03856me

    Framed OptionButtons - Error if Blank

    I am using Exel 2007 and have a Userform for data entry. There are 8 different frames with each frame containing 5 option buttons. I would like to prevent the user from "adding" the item unless they have choosen one of the 5 option buttons in each frame, so they would get an error message saying...

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