formula based on rows

  1. S

    Formula for acount only the positive difference petween rows then outputing a sum of said difference

    Formula for a count of only the positive difference between rows then outputting a sum of the difference. 1. I am using Excel 07 on a Win 7 system. 2. On a monthly basis we must report our public wifi user statistics. (we are a municipal library) 3 We download our report directly from the wifi...
  2. Q

    Macro to add formula if cell in column equals X

    Hey guys, I have the script below sort of working. It's posting the formula like it should if column 'K' = "PENDING" and column 'R' = "". No problems so far. The issue that I'm having is that when it posts the formulas, it posts the exact formula that's in the script. I've ran others (and...
  3. M

    Count rows and insert formula using row counts in VBA

    Hello All, I have a spreadsheet with data about what information in a database has been reviewed or not (data is reviewed on a “page” by “page” basis, per subject).</SPAN> The data looks something like this:</SPAN> <TBODY> SITE #</SPAN> SUBJECT #</SPAN> VISIT NAME</SPAN> VISIT DATE</SPAN>...
  4. M

    Need Help to Make Formula Which Gives value based on criteria both in row and column

    Hello, I am trying to write a formula which gives value based on two criteria, one in row and one in column. The row title remains in same cell but the row title may come in different cell. How to get the value even if the column title move in other cell? I can use simple vlookup or Hlookup...
  5. W

    Using VBA to Add Daily Change Orders to Budget

    I'm looking for some VBA help, I have date values in Column A, Planned Budget Spend to Date in Column B (all on sheet1), and I would like to sum the daily change orders on sheet2 and add pass those values to Column C on sheet1 and sum those to the corresponding row (matching date)...
  6. S

    Automatically Updating Formulas

    I am trying to insert a string of formulas on a separate sheet from my data, ie standard deviation, median, mode, etc. I am trying to get the sheet of formulas (sheet 2) to update automatically given the data that is selected on sheet 1. Sheet 1 is filtered by categories allowing the user to...
  7. T

    Copy/Paste Formulas Based on Number of Rows of Data in a different worksheet

    I have a worksheet that has about 40 columns where each cell is calculating a formula for a financial model. Each formula references data in a separate worksheet. How do I create a macro that will only fill the 40 formula cells based on the number of rows of data I have in a separate...
  8. ed.ayers315

    dynamic sumifs

    I am trying to be better at this forum communication so I do not waist people's time and energy. I can get the formulas in the Recipe 1 column to total correctly; however, any column to the right will not work. I included a link to this file on Skydrive...
  9. B

    Assign formula to summary sheet

    Hello Everyone, I have a macro which creates from a template (my MasterSheet), a number of sheets, which are based on a sheet called Tools. The data coming from these sheets is then supposed to transfer over onto a summary sheet(which I called Class). My problem is that with the macro that I...
  10. A

    Applying formula to Column based on rows.

    I am making a product information spreadsheet for a business I am starting. I haven't worked with excel for a couple years so I feel that I have forgotten everything! My formulas are simple. I will give you one as an example, it starts at H2 and continues down. Down the column it appears like...

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