
  1. N

    VBA format conditions evaluate differently from spreadsheet.

    I have applied formatting conditions to a range of cells on the spreadsheet as shown in the image. I have VBA code which evaluates format conditions and outputs based on them. The problem is that when the conditions are applied in this way the VBA code pulls the formatting based on the first...
  2. R

    Highlighting rows and using formatconditions and copy paste to different sheets

    Hello good people, I am working on a database where people join and have an ID card. ID cards are expired. I want to write VBA codes to highlights an entire row based on different cell values and then copy and paste those values to different sheets according to highlighted rows. A snap is...
  3. S

    VBA Conditional Formatting Issue/Bug

    I'm not sure if my code is wrong here or if I'm just missing something obvious..... I'm using the following snippet to conditional format the range P4:P1000. If I manually type it all in it's absolutely fine. Using the following code it doesn't work. However, if I go into "Conditional...
  4. H

    Delete all FormtaConditions with VBA

    Help. I need to remove all FormatConditions in a Worksheet. There are 12 FormatConditions over several ranges and selecting each range and then deleting each one (Selection.FormtConditions.Delete) would be too cumbersome. However, neither of the following alternatives seem to work...
  5. A

    Please help me on Macro FormatConditions

    I tried to write a macro to format my excel file. There are numbers in column G and the numbers range between 1 to 99 (all are integers). My target is to shade the row with color green when the number is equal to or less than 30, grassgreen when it's between 31 and 40, yellow when it's larger...
  6. V


    Good day! I have a PivotTable and want to do some FormatCondition for it. I need to change font color of cells which contains 0 or 0.00 The PivotTable is situated from R to T column. I do it in separate sub, but there is no effects after calling this code. Here is my code Private Sub...
  7. B

    Conditional Formatting -- Formula Driven

    Hello All, I am setting up a macro to edit a workbook that uses conditional formatting when it is edited. Here is the code I have set up to set the conditional formatting for said cell: With Range("P54") With .FormatConditions .Delete .Add Type:=xlCellValue...
  8. R

    Explain the options for the FormatConditions and StopIfTrue in Custom Formatting for a selected range

    Explain any options for the statement: FormatConditions(1).StopIfTrue = False The code works as intended. I just don't understand the values. Just wish to understand why it is always a (1) and = False in the examples. Also, want to know if there are any additional opportunities to have other...
  9. E


    As I fight through teaching myself VBA (I interviewed for an engineering internship, and when they asked if I could write my own macros, I responded with a 1000-yard stare, so before I start next week, I need to be a VBA wizard), I've recorded a few macros for use in my programs. However, in my...
  10. M

    Compare conditional formatting rules

    All, I'm having an absolute nightmare with conditional formatting. I had a spreadsheet that updated small amounts of data by copying and pasting everytime you moved between sheets. Thanks to Excel duplicating conditional formatting rules, the spreadsheet completely fell over because I ended up...
  11. L

    Help with a Macro to evaluate ConditionalFormatting Rule

    Hi, This particular project has me stumped. I'm trying to design a macro which loops through a range and checks whether the cell fill is red, it would then paste the cell address in another sheet. That part is all fine, the problem is that the cell is highlighted red as a result of a conditional...
  12. C

    VBA - FormatConditions strange bug

    Hello, I have some code that loops thru cells and adds two conditional formatting conditions per cell. Basically, if the value of the cell is within the range, I want the font to be green. If the value is outside the range, the number should be red. The following code works just fine...
  13. S

    FormatConditions.Add for xlExpression & formula - fails!

    I can't seem to get this conditional formatting code to work. Error:Run-time error '5' Invalid procedure call or argument xlCellValue works: With .Range("tblGlobalData[Response Time]").FormatConditions _ .Add(xlCellValue, xlEqual, "FAIL") .Font.ColorIndex = 3...
  14. L

    FormatConditions Formula1 differences between 2003 and 2007

    Step1: Select range 'A1:B5' Step2: Fill with numbers Step3: Apply this FormatCondition: Formula '=A1=2', with Red Font. Then, all cells with contains number 2 are Red. Step4: Select cell 'B2' In VBA, Excel 2003: Msgbox ActiveCell.FormatConditions(1).Formula1 shows: '=B2=2' In VBA, Excel...
  15. V

    VBA show Conditional Formatting Rules

    Team, I loop thru all worksheets and then thru all cells. I copy into a new worksheet the cell address where: Cell.FormatConditions.Count > 0 In other word, I capture the address of cells that have conditional formatting. I need to list the Rules for each conditional format in this new...
  16. PetLahev


    Hello I've just found this property in Excel 2007 object model and have tested it. But it seems doesn't works. Does anybody experience with that? I wrote this code for testing Sub TestEnableFormatConditionsCalculation() ' Does it work? Dim wks As Worksheet Set wks = ActiveSheet...

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