
  1. ibmy

    Compare a cell value with all the following cell values

    BF1OfferLow21.3031.7041.6052.4060.9070.3080.8090.20Low100.20Low111.80121.40133.00141.00Low151.30161.10Low171.90181.70Low192.00202.10212.30221.70Low231.80Low241.90Low252.50F2:F24F2=IF(B2<=MIN(B3:B$25),"Low","") When there are no value lower than a cell value, assign ("Low"), else (""). The...
  2. B

    What guidelines I should follow while editing ‘Globe with blue arrow’ table

    Hi I understand ‘Globe with blue arrow’ tables are liked to external tables. Have few of such table in my database. What pre-cautions I must follow when trying to play or edit such tables. For example, if I try to check ‘Design View’ of such table, access gives me warning. Table is a linked...
  3. P

    Run VBA/Macrom from another file

    Hi to everyone, kindly require to provide me a VBA code so that to run a code from another folder/file. The bath of the code is follow: w:\accoffice\inv.people\VBAacc.xlsm.personal.XLSB!moduleacc Please note without opening the file It would much appreciate any support. Thank you in advance
  4. B

    Excel follow Hyperlink not working

    I have the following code that I need to follow a hyperlink. The problem is G7 is using a formula to get the hyperlink from Vlookup. If I manually type the hyperlink into G7, the below code works, but with the formula in G7 it will not. Thanks in advance for any help. Sub FollowHyperlink()...
  5. J

    UserForm to deduct value from database

    Hi, I have a userform with a combobox and textboxes and I need to minus a value from the userforn and deduct it from a database. please follow link for more details.
  6. H

    Excel Code Help

    Totally new to excel code and such. I've been able to fumble my way through the rest of the code on my spreadsheet, but have one more function of my sheet that i would like, but don't even know where to start, or if even possible. i would like to be able to press the a control button and have...
  7. Y

    Rank with multiple column and criteria

    Hi pals. I am creating an excel to rank the achievement of pupils. Please help me to write a formula to rank them according to multi column and criteria: 1. Rank those with 0 Grade E first, then only follow with those with >0 Grade E 2. For those with 0 Grade E, rank Grade A, follow by Grade B...
  8. S

    Follow hyperlink function to hidden sheet

    Hi After browsing a bit on the topic I cant find any information if it is possible to follow hyperlinks to hidden sheets through the hyperlink function? I have found several ways with the normal link option but the name in my function is a value found by formulas it would require some extra...
  9. A

    Date Verification

    I wrote a macro that allows a user to input a date of their choice in the Format: MM/DD/YYYY and I want to make sure they follow that exact format. Is there some code that will allow me to do just that? Thank you!
  10. A

    How to use Solveradd for step parameter?

    I want to VBA Solver search parameter array like as 5, 8, 11, 14, 17...60 step 3, I use SolverAdd code as follow but not work?Why [W4] as parameter start 5 Range("step") = 3 SolverAdd CellRef:=[W4], Relation:=2, FormulaText:=2+Range("step")*Int([W4]/Range("step"))
  11. T

    Pivot table combining many tables

    Hello Community, I have a given dataset. My duty is to use Pivot table to generate a table indentical to the one in the picture in the right of the file. I have tried but messed things up badly. Please follow this link for the dataset...
  12. J

    sort data in 2 columns

    Hello everyone!! My question is this, how can I sort largest to smallest column B with a formula that have references that I don't want changed and column A to follow the results of column B? I'll try to show example below. TIA A B 1 =COUNTIF(G2:G2189,1) 2...
  13. T

    What formula would return the date on these two sheets

    I have two sheets, the first one is called "Forecast" and the second one is called "Patient Visits". I want to complete cell B3 with the corresponding date from the patient visits tab on the forecast sheet once cells on patient visits have been matched to the patient number 002/40349 and the...
  14. HuskyJones

    Vlookup + IF or a better way ??? Please!

    Hey folks Have a column (R) to populate with data depending on the answers in several other columns. I've started it with .... =IF(S5<>"",VLOOKUP(S5,'Look Up Tables'!$T$2:$V$29,3,FALSE),"********") Then in the ******* I need these options from cols AA, O & P to enter the correct treatment AA...
  15. S

    Use the keyboard to follow a hyperlink created by the HYPERLINK() function

    Can someone tell me how I could follow a hyperlink that comes from the HYPERLINK() function without clicking on it using the mouse? No VBA solutions that I have found through google have worked for me. Please note that this is different from following an inserted hyperlink. There is no context...
  16. F

    Check a table with part of a bigger table

    I have data at 200 cells in column A starting from cell A11 ending at cell A210. At column B there are data at 30 cells starting from B11 ending at B40. The cells of column B have a connection with cells of row A. Cells B11:B30 should be every 10 cells in column A, this means B11 should be one...
  17. C

    Returning a specific value in a cell

    Hi there I have a 9 box grid, each box has a value 1 to 9. I want each box to highlight its value if conditions are met in other cells. Example. 1. If 'A' <1.49 AND 'B' <1.49 then I want box 1 in the 9 box grid to show value '1'. 2. If 'A' >2.5 AND 'B' >2.5 then I want box 9 in the 9 box grid...
  18. P

    Convert the dd/mm portion in dd/mm/yyyy format to yyyymm format

    Hi, I'm trying to convert a date that's typed as "11/12/2018" into "201211". So I want to drop the year, convert the 12 into 2012, move it to the front, and follow it with the 11. Some of the dates have less digits. For example 7/15/2018 would need to become 201507. Thanks!
  19. L

    Automatically set up Outlook task when a date is entered in a cell in Excel

    I'm starting to learn VBA but am not able to write this myself yet (aka I'm just starting to learn but have a working knowledge of SQL so I can interpret some but can't write it myself yet). I want to create automatic follow up reminders for myself for when I need to call someone back. I have...
  20. T

    Displaying next value in a list and resetting it to particular value

    Dear All, Have a excel formula query. Background: I am trying to analyse go-to market study for a commercial animal farm. Referring to Table below : So suppose I select S1 (Small animal phase) it will follow its lifecycle till L2 (Lactation) and then it will get reset to P1 (Pregnancy month...

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