
  1. Guzzlr

    Horizontal Bar Chart Question

    Hello All, I thought this may be easy, but I'm finding it aggravating <tbody> Project Name Start Finish Project 1 11/16/19 3/15/20 Project 2 6/12/2019 1/14/2020 </tbody> I want to make a horizontal bar chart with a series name of the projects...
  2. FuNeS13

    get time between two rows, rows are not continuous.

    I have a spreadsheet that logs the start and finish of a task... I want to get the total time between the start and finish row, the thing is that the rows are not continuous, column A/B and F would be my triggers I guess as column A/B are the employee ID and Column F is the "Start/Finish"...
  3. J

    Formula to Conditionally Format Cells where Planned Finish Date < Today's Date AND % Complete is < 100%

    I am doing project management and schedule planning and am looking for method of easily highlighting cells when something is overdue or soon-to-be-due. To simplify my question, say I have two columns, one with date's (expected task finish date) and one with % complete: (Example: D2...
  4. TAPS_MikeDion

    Finding Difference Between Two Times

    Hello, I have been trying without any luck to find the time difference (Sun - Sat, employee start & finish times) between two columns of times, but the finish time may go into the next day. I found a post here that I thought might work, but VBA MOD is apparently different from Excel MOD. I...
  5. TAPS_MikeDion

    Listbox w/Day of the Week & Start/Finish Times Column Headers, and HH:MM format

    Hey guys, My assumption is that there has to be a better way. In my ListBox, I'm trying to get 3 column headers (DAY | START | FINISH) and also have the time displayed in the list as 10:00AM, as opposed to being a decimal (0.41666666), which is why I was trying "* 24" in the code. If anybody...
  6. S

    Error using Count function

    Hi all, I am trying to fix a broken formula. Using count function i am trying to count all number cells in the range. This works fine except for when the cell has a space or - or / or : basically if i use anything in the cell other than numbers. The aim is to use the sheet as a rota. Im...
  7. leopardhawk

    IF statement

    Hello forum friends, okay, here is an interesting one, at least from my perspective. I have been trying to come up with a formula that will look at two columns and return the difference between the odometer readings 'finish' from one day and the 'start' from the next day. This amount would be...
  8. L

    Time Conversion

    Hi I have the following problem. I am trying to automate a time-sheet but I am having a problem converting .30hrs to 0.50hrs. For example: C4 I have the start time 08.00 D4 I have the finish time 08.30 E4 I have D4-C4 which equals 0.30 C4 I have the start time 08.00 D4 I have the finish...
  9. H

    Scheduling in Excel

    I need to create a gantt chart that will draw horizontal bars when I enter start and finish dates. The user would enter the item description, start date, and duration (in work days). Questions: - To get the finish date...I add the duration to the start date. How do I format the resulting...
  10. A

    Automatically hide multiple columns in one worksheet based on multiple inputs on another

    Hello, My employees work on multiple projects, they use excel to record their hours. We currently have 10+ projects but an employee may only be working on any 5 of those. Each employee has their own excel spreadsheet (stored on sharepoint- online 365) I would like to be able to...
  11. D

    Excel - Getting a Roster to highlight/identify gaps in a 24/7 roster

    I have looked through some of the other questions on here and can't seem to find the answer so hope someone can help me, there is probably a simple fix to my issue and I am showing my limited knowledge regarding the functionality of excel. I have a 24/7 roster that I would like to automatically...
  12. P


    Dear All, Could you please suggest me how to define the following requirement in Excel. In Coloumn A I have some value, in coloumn B Start Date, Column C Finish date. In column D I need to get column A value if column C has date format otherwise column D should display 0. Thank you in Advance
  13. A

    Error: Cannot Shift Items off Sheet

    This has just started to appear as the workbook loads. It continues to load and everything seems fine .. until I try to Hide or Unhide something. Some cols are ok and some bring up the error again. Is there anything I can do to fix it ?
  14. S

    How to calculate recipe of ingredient stock

    <tbody> Finish Product code Finish Item Qty 2001 Burger 2 2002 Caffe tea 3 </tbody> <tbody> Finish Product Code Raw Material Code Raw material item Qty Sub Qty 2001 1001 Salat 0.2 ? 2001 1002 Sugar 1 ? 2002 1003 Caffe 0.7 ? 2002 1001 Water 0.9 ? 2002 1003 Tea 0.2 ? </tbody> MY...
  15. S

    Adjust Time in Cells Automatically

    Thank you for taking the time to read. I put together a lot of visit timetables and my issue is they constantly change. For example a visit can start in cell A1 at 09:00 with that section due to finish in cell B1 at 09:20. The next part of the visit could be from cell A2 at 09:20 to cell B2 at...
  16. D

    VBA code to refresh Access 2007 Query worksheet before copy to another workbook

    I am pulling my hair out on this. MY query worksheet opens and instead of updating the query results, it copies immediately and places in the other workbook. I cannot figure out a timer to wait for the query to finish before copying. It's not worth placing the code since I have been...
  17. B

    Task Duration dependant on priorities

    <tbody> Priority Start Finish Duration (days) 1 =today() +10 days 10 4 10 5 10 3 10 7 10 </tbody> Populate Start / Finish columns based on Priority (including...
  18. P

    Formulae Help

    I have a formulae which you can see returns Y, N or # NUM! where column A is a start date and Column B is the finish date. If no finish date you get # NUM! IF(ISNUMBER(DATEDIF(A30,B30,"d")),IF(C30<=90,"Y","N"),"# NUM!") I have another formulae which looks for the result and if Y or N then all...
  19. R

    Lookup between two values and matching criteria

    I am looking for a formula that will match data between two values and also match another criteria in the table. As an example I have the two tables below and want to display the 'Code 2' answer in 'Match Code 2'. I have input the correct answers I want it to display below. It's looking for...
  20. C

    Copy and paste assistance

    Hello, VBA... I want to copy a data set to a new sheet 4 times. Each time it paste I want to label each row either start 1, start 2, finish 1 or finish 2 in a new column. So the first time the data copies will all be start 1 and so on. Any suggestions?

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