
  1. J

    FindNext property of Range Object cannot be assigned

    I have written a code, which includes the FindNext method. All the code works so far, only when it gets to the FindNext method it shows an error saying the FindNext Object cannot be assigned. However, I don't see where the Range Object (in this case "cell") is changed in any way for the FindNext...
  2. P

    Search box with key to find next value

    Hello, I was looking for various solutions on the Internet, but I didn't find anything that could help me. So here's the code: Private Sub TextBox1_Change() Dim foundRng As Range Set haslo = TextBox1 Set foundRng = Range("D3:D19").Find(haslo) If foundRng Is Nothing Then...
  3. D

    VBA Userform Find Next button

    Hi all, My database has multiple columns as follows Column A: Tracking number (txttracking) Column B: New / Resupply (txtrequest) Column C: Resupply No. (txtresupplyno) etc e.g. I have 3 rows with the same tracking number ABC123 new n/a ABC123 resupply 1 ABC123 resupply 2...
  4. C

    Unable to get the FindNext property

    Hi All! I am in dire need of all your expert advise. I have already searched through google and previous forums here with similar problems but none of the answers in those forums seemed to indicate why my code is not working... I have even compared to the example and it is...
  5. L

    Findnext and previousnext code

    Hey fellas, I have a userform with everything working fine aprt from my Find_Next and previous command. What happens is that it keeps giving the same results while it should finding all data that matches by search criteria. If anyone could help me in this, I would really appreciate. Private Sub...
  6. S

    Find nth .FindNext item

    I currently use .Find to find the first instance of a value then use .FindNext to find the second instance. It works great because I use it to insert a page break after the second instance. Now I need it to find the 10th instance of a value. If there are less than 10 the pagebreak will be at...
  7. Y

    Vba, find and replace but first occurrence only

    Hi everyone, Long time reader, first time poster. Sheet1 contains 196 rows that contain the word "ToReplace" as part of larger string. Sheet2 contains 196 rows that contain only the word "ToReplace" in column A and a unique value in column B. I need to replace Sheet1 "ToReplace" with the...
  8. R

    VBA to repeatedly search for the next occurrance of a value in a fixed cell

    Hi--I'm a Total Newbie, and have spent literally days trying and failing to do this very very very simple thing. A user of my sheet can type a value into a fixed cell location (let's say into cell H9), and I want to create a FindNext macro to find the next occurrence of whatever that value is...
  9. A

    Find and copy corresponding value to another cell on another sheet

    Hi, I need assistance with my code as I am struggling to find a solution. I eventually split the array in two as I was getting an error. I am searching for words in sheet "ServiceType_SubType_Item_byComp" and copying the offset value to sheet "Charts", but often there are two cells with the same...
  10. C

    Help with .Find and .FindNext in VBA

    Hello, I have an excel spreadsheet with duplicate/similar names in it (in the thousands). I need to be able to find the duplicates/similar names by taking a substring from the original string value starting in cell (1,1) and comparing it to all other string values in the worksheet. This means...
  11. H

    VBA Loop through Find Results

    Hello, I have a Userform that has a Search box so a user can search for key words. While it does work and will select all relevant cells, one cannot cycle through the results like the built in FindNext funtion. I would like the 'NextResultButton' to progress the ActiveCell through the search...
  12. R

    Find / FindNex - VBA Problem

    Hi, I have a macro that need to: 1) find all occurences in spreadsheet-1 (every occurrence is a set of 3 cells, for example B1+C1+D1 2) move this data to spreadsheet-2 3) clear this occurrence in spreadsheet-1 This is the code I tried for these steps: Do sheet1.activate Set...
  13. J

    Macro to find next

    I have a macro which pairs data. The macro loops by going Next i in a range. Howevere if the number comes up twice it will only find it in the first instance, can someone suggest somthing which finds the number on the next line instead of the next different number please?
  14. P

    VBA - Error 13 - Type mismatch

    Hi, I have this macro which looks for the unit 'ps' in Column Y and multiplies 1E+12 with the corresponding data in column AC. When it tries to multiply 1E+12, it throws a type mismatch error. Below is the code. Sub Multiply_Tdata() ' ' Change the value of the data (AC) column - multiply by...
  15. kingnutin

    Error While Using FindNext

    Using Excel 2007 in an xlsm format. I am having trouble with find routine. I get the old "object variable or with block variable not set" error on my "Loop While Not formulaRng Is Nothing And formulaRng.Address <> firstaddress" section of the code. If I comment out the code...
  16. D

    Code disaggregating cell elements overwriting correct results

    Could somebody help me please. I am new to VBA and this is driving me mad. I am using Find and FindNext to find cells that contain within them specific strings. Each cell has several strings within it. The aim is to disaggregate the cell by putting the component strings into adjacent columns. An...
  17. A

    FindNext gives 91 error

    I'm trying to make a macro to look for an "x" in a certain column, indicating the information should be duplicated from a different line, and then to copy and paste that information from the original into the duplicate line. I have several instances of these duplicates so I want it to finish...
  18. V

    Using FindNext to Quantify Change in Rankings Lists

    Hi, I'm trying to write a simple piece of code that establishes a cell position change in single-word string lists. I have two lists with an identical set of string elements, arranged differently from one another. I use the findnext method to search for the first element of one column in the...

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