
  1. S

    Excel help for a novice

    Hi Guys, In my current role I have to look at data for a financial year and change it into calendar year data. In my company, a financial year has 13 periods (4 weeks per period) and starts from April each year (e.g. 18P04 = 2018 Period 4). The issue I am experiencing is that with P01 being...
  2. A

    Vlookup unable to return the next cell that meets criteria

    I'm trying to build a table that lists a broker's volume from largest to smallest (top 10 firms only). If there are only 9 values in the data set, a zero will appear in the row. To grab the volume, from largest to smallest, I'm using =LARGE($B$2:$B$63,1), =LARGE($B$2:$B$63,2)...
  3. R

    Financial Planning Worksheet

    Hi, I am currently creating a financial worksheet to use for my clients. I already set the size to A4 so everytime I print it, it will be exactly in an A4 size paper. Now, here is my question can I expand the cells where I am currently working? and then when I have it printed it will still fit...
  4. I

    How to pull data for quarterly and annually information?

    Hi friends I am struggling to build a dashboard which shows quarterly and annual results side by side. I have my detailed sales information in another sheet like this: Column A Column B to Column AZ # of Referrals Month wise data (i.e. the # of referrals...
  5. K

    Calculating cumulative payments with regular increases

    If I had rental income from a house, payment x, and the rent increased y% annually over z years, how can I calculate the cumulative rental income in one formula? As an example, if the rent was 1000, and annual increases were 3%, I would use: Cumulative rental income = (1000 * 1+0.03^0) + (1000...
  6. L

    Excel for book keeping and accounting

    Hi I am an intermediate user of excel but haven't done anything to do with accounting and book keeping with it yet. I have attached a spreadsheet with the type of data I'll be receiving in a csv file and a general journal. Im interested to see if there is a way to have the transactions imported...
  7. E

    Date analysis

    Hi there, I have long list of Dates as shown in column A below. In column B I want to return the Financial Period to which the date relates. The Financial Period is April to March each year, therefore, I have manually input the correct results in cells B2 & B3. Can a formula be written to...
  8. D

    I need code to open a wb, do an operation then close it

    I have some code that correctly identifies a workbook and sheet to copy quotes to based on the date of the quote. The workbooks are financial year documents and different rows of a quote may relate to different financial years. The sheets are named by month and the name of the sheet where the...
  9. A

    2 Digit Financial Year

    Hi guys, Im having some difficulty formatting a 2 digit financial year. I currently have a column for the installation date --> which contains either just a month, or a specific date and a column for financial year --> this contains this equation: =IFS([@[Inst''n...
  10. L

    Formatting financial model

    Hi I was watching a video from CFI and then downloaded cash flow model. In the video they said that, hard coded numbers are in blue and cells which have formula/function are in black. That kind of formatting followed by all financial models. My question, did they hard format that? I mean...
  11. L

    Financial modeling in Excel

    Hi I was talking to a director of a company and he said they are looking for someone can do Financial Modeling in Excel/VBA and can train others with Financial modeling. I tried to google it and found many links but they are all gear it to Finance. I would love to hear "what is financial...
  12. sharky12345

    Get financial year from date

    I'm trying to find a way to get the financial year from a date - I currently have this; I need it to effectively give me the financial year from the date, (the financial year being from 1st April to 31st March). Is there a way I can do it? I don't mind if it's a formula or through VBA.
  13. R

    Calculating Interest and splitting over Financial years

    Hello First post I know how to calculate the overall daily interest rate on a loan but what i would like to do if possible is to split this out into financial years So for example if a loan was taken out on 1 November 2018 and matured on 31 October 2021 (three years) I can calculate the...
  14. G

    Locked workbook which is shared.

    Hi, I have a problem. I would like to lock my shared workbook so people wont be able to delete the added formulas, however they still need to add new rows and columns. It's a financial forecasting system. If there is a way to protect the formulas in the workbook would be a great help as...
  15. R

    Change Date to Financial Year

    Hi, Help Please. Trying to change the date into financial year Apr-Mar. I'm close and using the below formula; MID(YEAR(DATE(YEAR(G5),MONTH(G5)+(10-1),1)),3,2)-1&"/"&RIGHT(YEAR(DATE(YEAR(G5),MONTH(G5)+(10-1),1)),2) with the date in G5 in format xx/xx/xxxx. The problem i have is dates for...
  16. V

    Formula for Financial Year

    Hi All I am looking for a formula please to look at column "L" and sum all the value in a finanical year March 17 to February 18 Column "L" date format is 28/08/2017 Is there a financial formula to do this or should I add another column for the month and year and use a sumifs formula There...
  17. E

    Week number for Financial year 1/07/2018 to 30/06/2019

    Hi In column A I have dates, in column B i am trying to find the week number for that date. I am referring to the date as the Australian financial year. Considering the 1st of July is the start of year. so if cell A10 is 9/07/2018, In B10 i should have 2. I appreciate any assistance...
  18. H

    Sort financial statements pivot with custom list

    Hi, . I'm trying to sort a pivot with financial statement line items with a few parent categories. The idea is once it calls up trial balance amounts/time series it should look like an actual income statement/balanace sheet etcI have a hierarchy defined (below link). Could anyone give me a tip...
  19. D

    Create a row in a sheet if a column has a value but then consolidate all sheet's in to a master

    Hi All, I struggling to consolidate a number of sheets in to one Master sheet. I've a raw data sheet where a row indicates a project, each project has a spend amount in various quarters of the financial year I've then separate sheets that are then populated when a column has a value greater...
  20. H

    Using VBA to Print standardized documents from different file paths

    Hi, I have a question that i'm hoping someone has a solution for. Suppose an investor owns 3 companies: Company A Company B Company C. Each of these 3 companies have various financial deliverables in .pdf form (i.e. Financial Statements, IRR Reports, Investor Reports, ect...) that use a...

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