
  1. M

    VBA on exit code tweak

    I have this code; Private Sub Workbook_BeforeClose(Cancel As Boolean) Worksheets("test").Range("A1:A11").Clear End Sub Its in a template spreadsheet that gets repeatedly populated and saved as other filenames. I want this code to run only on the template version, not on the saved as...
  2. D

    Cycle through cells as filenames

    Hi, I hope someone can help with this. i am trying to use VBA to import data from multiple csv files. Column A contains a list of filenames (around 20 rows) My current code goes to cell A3, uses that as its filename, copies information from the file and pastes it into cells B3:M3 of my...
  3. A

    sorting filenames from a filedialog selection

    Hello Hivemind, I’m coding a workbook that allows a user to select 3 files from an open file dialog box and have them automatically pasted and formatted to a prescribed reporting requirement. It works provided the files are sorted A to Z in the folder before the user selects them, but it...
  4. T

    VBA Extracting Date from String

    Hello, I am creating a macro that regularizes file names and I'm having difficulty assigning the dates within filenames to a variable. The file names look something like this: "Grants Report S-17, First Response, dated 3-14-2015" Alternatively they might look like this: "3-14-2015 1st...
  5. S

    How to pull data from a closed excel workbook and log into active workbook

    Hello, Before reading this bear in mind I'm an vba rookie! :) I currently have an excel workbook called 'MasterRegister', within this workbook is a sheet called 'Register'. I have another excel workbook called 'RO Status Log - Practice Copy', within this workbook is a sheet called 'R&O...
  6. dice1976

    Combine 2 Macros - saving csv

    Hello, I have 2 macros that are working but I need to have it be done in a single macro. I can not figure out where to merge them. I'm hoping someone can help. The first macro saves a new csv file name with the next version number counting up. Sub SaveNewVersion_Excel() 'DEFINITION: Save...
  7. C

    Tricky-Need to populate multiple cells with text from file name of photos. Xl2010/Win7

    Brief & descriptive as possible. I have formatted the naming of inspection photos in a manner in which contains details to be populated within a spreadsheet pertaining to their location. I'm trying to use a set of code that takes segments of the file name, transfers them into their respective...
  8. M

    Progress Bar

    Hi, the code below is to import file names into excel from any given folder. I'd like to have a progress bar but I'm not sure how it would work. I thought if I could work out how many file names are going to be imported before the Macro does it's work, I could use it to do a progress bar...
  9. M

    Load file names in a folder and subfolders.

    Hi, I've mixed and matched the code below to allow the user to browse and select a file in any folder. The macro then loads the filename of all files contained in that folder. The code does not however load file names in the subfolders. Could the formula be amended to include subfolders...
  10. M

    Importing File Names

    Excel 2003 Hi, I've mixed and matched some code to import file names into Excel. I can get the importing bit to work but there's one line of code that I get a runtime 1004 error. I've underlined the piece of code it gets stuck on which appears fine as I got it by recording a Macro...
  11. Topher

    Giving names to files according to a column list in excel

    Is there a way that I can rename a lot of files in a snap? :confused: Like if I had a list of 300 file names that I would like to apply to 300 excel template files in a folder... It would be even nicer if I could apply another column to another file detail... say "subject", "year"...
  12. Topher

    Giving names to Windows7 files according to a list in excel

    Is there a way that I can rename a lot of files in a snap? :confused: Like if I had a list of 300 file names that I would like to apply to 300 templates in a folder... It would be even nicer if I could apply another column to another file detail... say "subject", "year", "category", or...
  13. C

    Automatic Calculation

    I have 2007 and have set up what is likely more convoluted worksheet than necessary however I think I am close to achieving what I was hoping for and have run into a problem. <?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /><o:p></o:p> I have a “data” worksheet with a...
  14. M

    File attachment error sending CDO mail with VBA

    Hello, One last piece of the jigsaw to make the Userform/File work. I have a problem attaching a file with CDO mail. Having used Ron de Bruin’s code for sending CDO mail, everything works fine apart from when I try attaching the newly saved excel file of a single sheet? The code below is kept...
  15. E

    Sort in Excel like Explorer

    Hello all! I export the names of files in a specific folder. Here is a small sample: <table style="border-collapse: collapse; width: 189pt;" width="252" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><col style="width: 189pt;" width="252"> <tbody><tr style="height: 12.75pt;" height="17"> <td...
  16. I

    Getting filenames into excel?

    I have about 10,000 files that I need to create an excel spreadsheet containing all of their names. Is there a way to just pull the filenames into excel without actually pulling the actual file in. Basically if I open my folder can I get the names of all of the files in that folder into excel?
  17. S

    Pulling a list of Microsoft file filenames into excel

    Hi, I am pretty new to VBA – I am looking to pull various Microsoft office file (word, access, powerpoint, publisher, excel) - filenames into excel cells and maybe even PDF files too. I wish to select multiple files for example Powerpoint presentations – named “A001-04-11.ppt” and...

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