
  1. tabbytomo

    =IF Exact formula stops working part way through

    Afternoon, I have a rather lengthy formula that stops working about half way through. Values 1 Tablet - 27 Tablets work, 1, 2 and 0 boxes work. But 29 - 55 Tablets don't work and I can't understand why! So if I pop any of the corresponding values in AF, for example 1.9642857142857100, it should...
  2. D

    COUNTIF w/ greater than & name match

    I am needing to COUNTIF column B on "Data" sheet is greater than column C on "Data" sheet, if the name in column A of "Totals" sheet matches the name from column A on "Data" sheet. The Data sheet has multiple rows with the same name that need to have the values in B and C checked. Data Sheet...
  3. A

    Match multiple values

    Hi, wondering if anyone could help? I am trying to find a formula which can tell me if the numbers in that cell match another number - but for a range of numbers. To explain further, here is some data: Scores Satisfaction Work 4 Relationships 3 Friendships 8 Hobbies 1 Score...
  4. W

    Exact formula to ignore blanks

    Hi, I'm looking for a formula to compare differences between two columns (A & B), so that it returns a comment - "No change" or "Difference" - in column C. But I would like the formula to return a blank (or a statement to say "Fine") if the value in column A is also blank. Essentially, I need...
  5. C

    Check Row Matches a row in an array

    Hi All I have 2 workbooks and i want to check if a row matches another row in another book. Lets say in Workbook1 you have the following Workbook 1 Workbook2 A B C D T Y U O W E R T A B C D I have the following formula but its not working...
  6. M

    How to get excel to ignore letters in a cell

    Hello All, I have a data set where I need to match some numbers with each other but they have two letters in front of them that make it currently impossible to do. So for example I have: CP2003 in Cell B2 and RD2003.001 in Cell C2. I would like to know how to get a formula that matches just...
  7. C

    Substitute Exact

    Hi All i want to be able to find an exact match when using substitute, not sure if possible. I currently have the substitute formula working fine up until cell A10 =SUBSTITUTE(SUBSTITUTE(SUBSTITUTE(SUBSTITUTE(SUBSTITUTE(SUBSTITUTE(SUBSTITUTE(E5, A5, B5), A6...
  8. J

    EXACT Function to ignore blank / empty cells

    Hi All, I have the following formula that works when I just look at a list of populated cells, but as soon as the list contains blank cells it then fails and returns 'In Progress'. Is there a way that I can ignore the blanks? My formula is...
  9. G

    Calculate EXACT number to achieve an EXACT percentage

    I know the exact % I need to achieve. In this example column G2 is the target % of 67.201%. G2 = 67.201% (This is the target %) D4 = 4,250 (This is the number I need to increase to meet the percentage. The amount I need it to be is 4,681 for a difference of 431) As the percentage of G2...
  10. A

    VBA / AdvancedFilter exact result

    Hi, I put a filter with AdvancedFilter. For some search strings I get to manz results. So f.e. for "John" I get also"Johnsson", "Johnson" etc., everzthing that fits to John*. I know already by using the string ="=John" that I would get ONLY "John" like I want. But my Subroutine has not a...
  11. sharky12345

    Find last exact match in column

    Can someone show me how to find the row number last exact match in column C? The values are all numeric, so it needs to be a precise match and must be the last value found as there will be duplicates. Sheet1 <tbody>#cacaca[/URL] "] C #cacaca[/URL] , align: center"]1 1234 #cacaca[/URL] ...
  12. MUKESHY12390

    Vlookup ---> then QTY Extact match or Greater Qty

    Hi All I'm trying to build formula to lookup one column (Product) (has Duplicate value in Table Array) and if "Product" matches with lookup table ("A:B") then ---> it should look for Exact Qty or Greater Qty (column B) but the first preference is "Exact match" for reference I have uploaded...
  13. L

    Search a string in one cell for an exact match of a value from another cell

    I have a formula that searches a string of text in one sheet, and sets the value of the cell where the formula is stored based on the true/false boolean results. The problem is, it will return true when it is a partial match instead of an exact match and I can't seem to find out how to only...
  14. pcorpz

    help tweaking my formula ifna match index

    {=IFNA(INDEX(PO[Price],MATCH([@[SO Date]]&[@[User Name]]&[@[Item No.]]&[@[SO Qty]],PO[Posting Date]&PO[User Name]&PO[Item No.]&PO[Quantity],0)),INDEX(PO[Price],MATCH([@[Item No.]]&[@[Cost Exact Match]],PO[Item No.]&PO[Sales Exact Match],0)))} My formula works but I know it should be written...
  15. S

    VBA Macro to paste the values with row and column alignment automatically.

    HI Everyone, I need a macro to align my results in same sheet according to last maximum used rows from multiple columns. I have given image link that how am expecting result that will give exact idea. Please check and do the needful your support will be very helpful for me. Image link given...
  16. C

    Changing Numbers for security purposes

    Hi, I have tens of thousands of item numbers. At time I need to circulate spreadsheets that contain them. However, there are times where I do not want people or organizations to know these exact item numbers. Is there some tool, function or script that can change these item numbers to another...
  17. D

    SUMPRODUCT and EXACT problem

    Here is the formula i am using and it is working. =SUMPRODUCT(--(($A$56:$A$300>=3))*(EXACT(S$56:S$300;"AE")+(EXACT(S$56:S$300;"BE")+(EXACT(S$56:S$300;"RB"))))) I have a value that has to be >=3 in A56:A300. And i have two letter code in S56:S300 that might be AE, BE, qB, AB, BB, RB, PB ...
  18. A

    instr to get exact match

    I have this line of code, but I thought it was to get exact match. How can I get the exact match? If InStr(1, Cells(RowNum, 1).Value, "BA", vbTextCompare) > 0 Then
  19. G

    Exact function

    I am trying to compare A to B cell with exact function. The problem is when there are two empty cells it returns me TRUE. I would like to return me number 0. Thank you in advance
  20. K

    Index match & countif

    Hi, Do you know how I would combine INDEX MATCH with COUNTIF I need to find a match for D5 in range I4:I86, once that match is found, I need it to then COUNTIF on that exact row vertically for any "H". Any ideas? Many Thanks

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