
  1. zakasnak

    Check if a cell content has a match in a folder and if yes add a designator to corresponding cell

    Hello, all! It's been awhile since I've posted, but this one is challenging me. I have a sheet with unique values for documents in column A, 10 char, header row 1. I would like to run a search on a network folder (S:\_FY2024) to see if the document has already been processed at least once...
  2. X

    How to loop through excel sheets in same directory and copy all sheets into a single workbook?

    How would I create a macro that loops through all the excels sheets in a directory and copy all the sheets in a new workbook?
  3. R

    Saving file in current folder

    Hi, I've got a total of 3 files I'm working and I want to save one of them in the current folder. For starters, I am brand new to writing VBA so I'm sure this is all wrong. My process starts with copying a master file called "template" into a customer's folder, the customer's excel file will...
  4. A

    Macro to look thought multiple folders and subfolder for specific file name and aggregate into one File

    ello any help or direction to recourses or YouTube will be appreciated to help me in resolving below I need to aggregate multiple xls files with specific name from multiple folders and subfolder into one file. I receive multiple reports every day that are saved with in folder with Date in the...
  5. A

    MkDir issue in VBA

    Hello all, I have a very simple VBA code, that I use to create a new folder. MkDir "C:\Users\aan\Desktop\" & [A1] I keep trying and failing to make both parts of this a cell reference. I need both the location and new file name to be changeable. Thank you!
  6. T

    Like an Explorer Tree in Excel?

    Hey there, Basically, i want to create an extremely basic version of OneNote but with a retro style. I lack the programming skills to create this (ive been trying), but i was wondering if maybe it could be done in Excel? Is there a way to create a sort of directory tree of excel sheets within...
  7. A

    Changing Directory back to original file

    Hi I have a file where I run some code and it allows me to insert a picture into the file on another tab. Once I do this I then run a second piece of code to PDF the file. however I want the PDF to stay in the same folder as the Excel File but what is happening now is its saving it to where I...
  8. O

    MS Scripting for directory tree parsing

    Go easy on me. I'm more of a decent hacker using other's code not a programmer. 1st post here. Tried using recursive code I found based on MS scripting (which I barely understand) to parse directory tree to fill an array with all paths. It seems to be parsing fine as I can tell HOW MANY dirs it...
  9. D

    dynamically changing a formula for vlookup

    is there a way to dynamically change the workbook name in a Formula vba statement? I'm looping thru multiple workbooks based on the filename found in the directory and each passthru of the macro would have to reflect the workbook just opened. first pass workbook name is "Servers with...
  10. P

    VBA - Saving a workbook in a SharePoint directory

    Hello, I want to save a workbook directly to SharePoint. If I know the URL of the SharePoint directory, I can enter it directly into the directory line of the "Save as" dialog window. But the question now is how I can specify the desired URL for the "Save As" dialog via VBA. Further I would...
  11. S

    How to create a folder in an specific directory with the name on specific cell?

    Hello, I am trying to create a code that allows me to create a folder in an specific directory with folder name on textbox1 and if this folder is already created in that directory, it does not allow to create another with the same name. As I am very new to Excel VBA, can you please help me...
  12. A

    Search For File In Directory Using Wildcard Works, But Now To Get The Complete Name Of That File

    This code checks to see if a file (tar_str) exists in a directory. Sub cheese() sdate = 43609 'May 24 2019 EDate = 43757 'Oct 20 2019 Days = 148 For lp = sdate To EDate t_mon = Format(lp, "mmm") t_day = Day(lp) t_dayy = Format(lp, "ddd")...
  13. W

    Copy a file from a specific directory and make available in clipboard

    Good Morning All, I have searched Google long and hard for an answer to this question to no avail!! I need to copy a CSV file from a specific directory, and make it available to the clipbaord, so I can paste it later using ctrl + v. I have developed a Macro that manipulates an XLSM file then...
  14. A

    Open Directory for user to choose a file

    Hello, I hope i can get some help from people whom i regard as super smart. The code below (that i have managed to get from others) finds the username and computer name so that other users would be able to use the same code on their computers. I had hoped that the code would also open the...
  15. Nelson78

    VBA: how to open the only .csv file existing in a directory

    Hello everybody. I've the following directory in my pc: R:\Users\john.smith\Downloads It contains two files, only one of them is a .csv. But, about it, I don't know the exact name. How can I open it exploiting the only information I have? (it is a .csv file). Thank's.
  16. rjplante

    get file name root folder

    I have the get folder location function listed below. I would like the dialogue box that opens to start into a specific root directory. This will allow the user to start at this location which they select the final destination from the list of folders within the root directory. How to I modify...
  17. S

    Loop through directory and copy data from same tab in each

    I have a folder which contains various excel sheets, some xlslx and some xlsm, in each of these sheets there are multiple tabs but each one has one called 'Data'. The data starts in Column A row 6, and goes to BE6. This is consistent throughout each file in the directory, but the number of rows...
  18. D

    Saving workbook on shared drive that may have different letter assignments

    Hello, I'm receiving a method 'SaveAs" of object' _workbook failed error when I attempt to save a newly created file on to a shared drive. I have the correct Directory path, and I am able to access another file within that directory, but when I attempt to save the file I just created I get that...
  19. S

    Looping through all files in a directory, but open file does not loop

    Please help, my issue is that the code below works but not for active work book, so when i run the macro from the a open workbook in the same directory, it works for all the files but not for the one thats opened and im running from... i want it to run for the file thats open too. Allfolders...
  20. Muleskin57

    Same File Name, New Location

    I've created a tool to manage resources for disabled persons in a group home setting. It will be used by non-excel users mostly. I'm trying to create a macro that saves the existing file to a backup directory before exiting. Anyone have experience with this? I'm hitting my frustration point.

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