date add

  1. K

    VBA for using a check box to Regen that row and then uncheck the box (ready to run macro again)

    Hello All, I'm making myself a task list, in this list i will have repeating tasks. Once the task is done (and dated) it needs to be done again (think how the laundry is in an never ending loop of despair). I'm VERY new to VBA and despite a few days of google searching (which I, previous to...
  2. R

    Calculate task date by skipping non-working time.

    I am making a task tracking grant chart using 2 input value Start(Date and time) and Duration(Hourly), to calculate their Finish by simply just Start+Duration/24 as you can see in this sheet. ABCD1TaskDurationStartFinish2Task11201-Oct 06:0001-Oct 18:003Task21301-Oct 06:0002-Oct...
  3. Ferreira1456

    Dates with condition using userForm textBox in VBA

    Hello everybody, can you help me? If I delete the value of txtPrazoPagamento or the value of txtDateVencimento. I get this message: Run-time '13' Type mismatch Private Sub txtDataVencimento_Change() If CDate(txtDataHoje) > CDate(txtDataVencimento) Then txtAtraso.Value = Abs(DateDiff("d"...
  4. V

    Adding multiple date ranges

    How to add multiple date ranges to find the total time period in number of years , months and days 4/12/2015 to 6/2/2019 = 4 years,1 months,21 days 9/8/2010 to 1/8/2012 = 1 years,4 months,0 days 5/3/2007 to 3/4/2008 = 0 years,10 months,1 days 3/5/2004 to 4/3/2006 = 1 years,10 months,1 days...
  5. dss28

    add incremental dates in column by user defined period

    I want to transfer date from textbox1 to cell B2 of sheet1. the user has two options by clicking option button 1 and option button 2 how should I do that 1st case: if the user chooses to increase the date for 7 days in next 7 rows 2nd case: if the user wants to increase the date by 7 days for...
  6. J

    Power Query replicate date in DD/MM/YYYY format

    Hi! Im new to power query and would love your help! I have a date in YYYYMMDD format in cell B2, and would like to create a new column A to reflect this date in DD/MM/YYYY format. Is this possible? If so, how can I do this? Thanks heaps
  7. E

    Workout Randomizer

    Hi all, I am trying to make a randomizer in Excel to randomize my workouts. I currently have 4 workout lists in Excel: Abs, Arms, Chest, and Legs. The lists are made of strings with no numbers. What I want to do, is to have 3 different buttons, each for a different day (Arm, Chest, and Leg)...
  8. O

    VBA date calculations based on new input date

    Hi all, I am working on a macro to complement something I have already written, where the user inputs the required finish date, and the macro automatically calculates start dates for 5 project phases that need to happen before the finish date. Each phase takes 1 month, therefore phase 1 starts...
  9. T

    Counting unique values with FREQUENCY, ISNUMBER, SEARCH, and MATCH - problem when adding date

    With below formula I am counting unique values. Everything worked well until I added the dates. Any suggestions to solve this? Picture attached =SUM(--(FREQUENCY(IF((N:N="Installer/Contractor")*(ISNUMBER(SEARCH("|"&I:I&"|";"|Visit|Online Meeting|Webinar|Join Visit|")))*(ISNUMBER(SEARCH("Ole...
  10. T

    add date once a certain product reaches a certain volume of sales

    Hi guys, I have faced a problem I hope you can help me with :) I need to track on which date does a certain product reached a certain volume of sales: 500 units, 1000 units, 2000 units <tbody> Product Volume reached 500 2000 etc A 100 date date B 500 date date C...
  11. J

    Automatically updating date when spreadsheet updated?

    I'm working on a spreadsheet that has a cell for "Last Updated" (B5) - How can I get this to automatically update with the date when any of the other cells (C4:BH21) are changed? I don't want it to update just on opening/saving, only when physical data has changed. Any help really...
  12. V

    How to start a macro when a date is inserted into a cell

    I am new to visual basic, but I need to have a macro runafter a date is added to a specific cell(G7). I don’t want to use a button I would like it to be automatic. Anyhelp would be greatly appreciated.

    Adding a fixed date after clicking a VBA button

    Hey guys. I have a sheet which is a new customer data sheet for capturing new client leads. It has a button control (named 'Save Client') to save the document which has all sorts of VBA code attached to it to create directories etc for the new client, and I need the sheet to record the date...
  14. D

    Adding row in excel through User Form

    Hello Everyone, I've written the following code, but I keep receiving a "Runtime error '91': Object variable or With block variable not set". I've bolded and italicized the portion of the code that is highlighted by the debugger. I'm not sure what's going on, because I believe I've ended the...
  15. K

    Creating a table with months and years given a start date

    Hi, this is the first of a series of challenges I have with excel. I would like to have the user of my spreadsheet enter a date. I would then use that date to populate a number of cells based on the length of the contract (also added by the user). The first cell should show the month from the...
  16. J

    Summing between 2 date ranges

    Hi, I was wondering if there was an easier way of adding between 2 date ranges. At the moment I am using the sumifs function, but this only works to add up from 1 column and what i need to do is sum up from about 10 column between a date range, see example below; A B C D...
  17. S

    VBA Filter - Between Today's date + and - Days

    I've got a date attribute in "dd\mm\yyyy" format in a sheet and I'm trying write a macro, which filters plus minus 7 days from TODAYS date. For example If today's date is 14/06/2016 my filter range will be 07/06/2016 to 21/06/2016. I specifically need help with adding and subtracting from...
  18. F

    Max date

    Hi I have source data into sheet1 like: <tbody> ColumnA ColumnB Audi 01/01/2015 Audi 30/03/2015 Bmw 06/06/2015 Audi 15/07/2015 Bmw 02/02/2015 </tbody> Into sheet2 I have unique list of values from columnA: <tbody> ColumnA ColumnB Audi 15/07/2015 Bmw 06/06/2015 </tbody> How to...
  19. K

    Userform will not return desired date format into textboxes

    Hi Experts I have been through so many potential breakthroughs in the past week via the net/forums/handbooks etc but cannot for the life of me find the exact code needed to return "dd/mm"yyyy" to my textboxes when i intend on updating exsiting data within my form. Basically I have a textbox...
  20. S

    File not saving correctly after running macro

    Hi Everyone, Hope you're well :) I have a macro that I am running trying to save an attachment into a specific folder. Its working well except for one part. 'examine each attachment in folder - only saves emails with excel attachments If SubFolder.Items.Count > 0 Then For Each Item In...

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