data change

  1. Z

    Help with data reformat

    Hello. I have 1100 part numbers in column A, against that in Column B we have some data that has been entered on separate lines within the cell Part Number Origial Part 1 Audi (A3 A4) BMW (5 6 7) Volvo (V50 S40) Mercedes (C S) BMW (5 6 7) Volvo (V50 S40) Part 2 Mercedes (C S) BMW (5 6...
  2. M

    User Interface: Populating and editing sheet data from different sheet

    I am new to VBA and need some help getting started so bear with me here. I have names and information in sheet2 and a user interface in sheet1. I am trying to edit names and their corresponding information in sheet1 by picking the name to edit through a userform listbox and having their...
  3. S

    Position change denoted by symbol

    I have file where data changes everyday, and the position of the store needs to be ranked. I've already implemented ranking system--My question is, is there anyway for me to track the change in rank, like in stock market report small delta symbols (:warning:) will be shown if value goes up/down..
  4. S

    Insert blank row after a group of data using VBA

    Hello, I was wondering if it was possible to insert 2 blank rows after a data change in a specific column (i.e. group the data), then to hide that column, and use the data entry as a title (in bold) for that group of data. For example; Col A Col B 1234 Apple 5678 Apple 9876...
  5. O

    Formatting data for pivot - single column to multiple.

    I have a list of values that I need to format for processing and the format of the data isn't suitable in it's current form. The values are currently in the following format: <tbody> A B C 1 2 3 Status...
  6. C

    Pivot Table: Can't update data

    I've built a fairly elaborate set of pivot tables based on data in one worksheet. Then, I have a "report page" which is a sheet with a pull-down to select one variable and then the sheet is populated with data from the different pivot tables. This is to produce a monthly report. I have a new...
  7. J

    Warning Message Box when data is changed

    Hi I want to alert users with a message box containing the following question: "Prior Valuation - Are you sure you want to edit this worksheet?" Ans(Y/N), should the user attempt to edit any cells within a specific range ("C2:AS100") on the worksheet, say Sheet3. Ideally, it would only pop up...
  8. N

    Find only formula result which has updated

    Hi, i am using office 2007 and i need some help with automating a spreadsheet. my spreadsheet has 2 tabs "Active" and "RegData" "RegData" is a list of numbers which is updated daily (the previous days data is not stored) "Active" tracks which numbers are on the RegData tab and then updates...
  9. E

    leading zeros go missing

    Win xp professional office xp 2003 ie 8 <?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /><o:p> </o:p> Leading zero’s are missing when I format the cells as number, were as they are present if I format as text! Normally this would no cause a problem, in this case...
  10. A

    Data Correction

    I have a large data of families with the information about age, sex, marital status etc. of each member in the columns. The marital status column has somehow been inverted for each family during extraction. Let me explain this with an example. Following is the format of my data <table...
  11. D

    Date Change Only When New Data Is Entered

    I'm sure this has been asked a million times but I am in a time crush and have to figure this out ASAP! This board has been a great help in stumbling my way through Excel so I hope that someone can help me out with this conundrum! I have a spreadsheet that we use to keep track of quotes from...
  12. R

    blank line before a subtotal

    I need to insert a blank row before a subtotal, can you help. Range("A1").Select Range(Selection, Selection.End(xlToRight)).Select Range(Selection, Selection.End(xlDown)).Select Selection.Subtotal GroupBy:=1, Function:=xlSum, TotalList:=Array(6, 7), _ Replace:=True...

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