copy tab

  1. D

    MsgBox when copying tab

    Does anyone know if it is possible to have a message box pop up when copying a tab? I can't find a thing searching Google that talks about this. Use case: I want a warning to pop up for users to make sure they are copying hidden tabs when they attempt to copy any non hidden tab. Thanks for...
  2. L

    Copy tabs in new excel VBA

    Hi, I have this code where it creates a new worksheet and copy those 2 tabs, but I would like it to also name the worksheet, is that possible? Sub CopiaFactura() ThisWorkbook.Sheets(Array("U-Main", "U-Detail")).Copy End Sub Thanks a lot!
  3. J

    how to copy workbook's first tab to another workbook?

    Windows("2016Saving.xlsx").Activate Sheets("R2").Select Sheets("R2").Move Before:=Workbooks( _ "Saving - Final.xlsm").Sheets(6) I am trying to move workbook's first tab to the other workbook. Is there any way to dynamic way to do this? tab name could be different so I need code...
  4. C

    User defined (macro) formula not Transferring when moving tab

    I've written a simple formula (below, i don't have excel 2013 with the =formulatext function) on a tab in a standalone model which i then need to drop into a large number of other models. The formula is written on the worksheet in the standalone model (not a module) and it works in the...
  5. B

    Open .csv file from Outlook email and copy tab into current workbook

    I want to be able to open multiple emails one at a time from the same sender with similar subjects, open the attached .csv file, then move that tab to the original workbook, close the email then process the next one. The emails come from MyAlerts with "Product Structure for XXXXXXXXXX" in the...
  6. C

    Locate the file by its Tab name NOT the File name then Paste

    Desparately need help changing the way this code locates its recipient file. Need it to ignore the file name but look for an 'open/active' file that holds a tab named "Collab" and paste into that file. There will always be 2 files open when the analyst runs this code. One is the source file...
  7. C

    VBA or macro to loop through rows in master sheet to copy 2nd sheet with value

    Hello, experts! I could really use your help! I consider myself an excel expert (can do pivot tables, formulas, vlookups in my sleep) but have never had to use macros or VBA and desperately have a situation where I need to now. I have a master sheet of data with LOTS of rows where column A...

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