
  1. F

    Change cell value based on condition

    Hey Team, I am trying to change a cell value based on the value of a drop down. For this example it essentially building Microsoft project functionality into Excel. If drop down is set to Manual, start date is manually input. If drop down is set to Auto, then a formula populates in cell to...
  2. M

    Using Filter and VSTACK on a Search Box with Multiple Conditions?

    Hello, I'm new to Excel. I tried a google search and I don't think I'm asking the right questions. Google did lead me here where I did a forum search. However, the one post that showed up wasn't really relevant to my situation. I have a workbook with 9 worksheets. The first worksheet is just a...
  3. S

    Using Power Query to Get Distinct Count

    Hi all, I'm struggling to figure this one out...I've searched online and have tried suggestions for other similar requests, but to no avail... In my data set, I have Survey IDs (unique for each survey), but trying to add a column (Survey #) that indicates what survey # it is for that...
  4. R

    Change Power Query Source based on Toggle

    Hi, I have looked around and haven't found a workable solution for what I am trying to achieve. I have a query (importA) importing data from txt files, and I have a sheet (ManualData) for data to be put in manually. I want to add a setting option (toggle/radio button) to set the query source...
  5. H

    Struggling with conditions of IF statements

    Hi, I'm working on an interactive spread sheet to use with the teachers that I support and I'm trying to find a way to make the cells in one column display certain text based on the conditions in another. I've literally spent the equivalent of two work days, it feels like, playing with formulas...
  6. R

    Excel double condition formula

    Hi, I am looking for an Excel non-VBA function formula based on two parameters. If a cell holds the value 10, then a date starting from 24 December is added, but only if this date is a workday. If this date is not a workday, then it takes the first day before this date that is a workday. If...
  7. O

    VBA To identify the non-match between a pivot table and a column of data

    Hi all! I am trying to write VBA code to execute the following (visual screenshot attached) If the value in column C of the pivot worksheet isn't found within column G (specific to the material in column B), I need to update the qty in the Overview tab for the missing size to 0. For example...
  8. N

    If formula in or paring another formula

    I have the current formula of =(G40+D41)*inputs!$B$11 and it works perfectly but I want to add this functionality to it. If G40>1000000 then G40+D41-1000000 if not (G40+D41)*inputs!$B$11 I can’t seem to make it work any assistance would be amazing
  9. Z

    SUMPRODUCT condition of an array

    Dear Excel-Pro Community, I need Your help. I am looking for a solution, where I can do the following: I have a table, where I want to build a SUMPRODUCT formula, with multiple conditions. I am already OK with the conditions, but in the table I do have a column (Named: Weighting), where I have...
  10. K

    Count and separate text from a cell with conditions

    Hi to all and thanks in advance for your help. I have a cell with text, which I want to separate. If you pay close attention, the text is essentially two numbers stuck together. The total number of characters in the cell is either 8 or 9 or 10. This is the basic assumption. Cannot contain...
  11. A

    Trouble getting conditional formatting to work

    Hey again guys, I've got some really good help in another thread but there are unfortunately a few more questions I have regarding excel. I'm getting a little stressed because I've only 2 weeks to finish a school project and in times like this I just wish I picked up Excel and learned it...
  12. T

    collect ranges into list under conditions

    Hi, I'm brand new to VBA but I have some C# experience; I have done quite a bit of research but I'm curious how I might accomplish the following: I have a large excel file with the names of counties in column A and I want to create a list of ranges so that I can sort the data in related columns...
  13. E

    Excel Macro to pop-up message based on if and multiplication

    Hello Everyone! I ran into an issue with macros and I could use some guidance! I attach a sample excel file for ease of reference. I need to write a VBA code which needs to: 1) Check if a condition is met ("Other" or "Building") -> Column D If "Other", then multiply OMV (Column C) x 0.30% If...
  14. B

    VBA - Layout and sorting with conditions

    Hi Team, I'm facing the current scenario, I will start by placing the sheet that i'm working in and then bring up what has to be done: ABCDEFGHIJKL12UUIDWhatsover1Whatsover2Whatsover3Whatsover4Whatsover5Whatsover6Whatsover7Whatsover8Whatsover9Adjust and...
  15. A

    VBA Cut and Paste to another Worksheet with condition

    Hi Everyone, I need help with my current situation. I'm stuck on what I needed to do. So basically what I need is to cut/copy and paste a row of data from one sheet to another with a condition. In Sheet "AR Format" if Column A have "x" value on that cell it should select the range (A2:L5) then...
  16. A

    VbA - copying different colum ranges depending on which condition is met & pasting into different sheet

    Ok, so I would really appreciate help as this has been driving me mad for over a week. Basically I have a raw data table where a customer can choose up to 3 different courses, data is in 3 columns. But I need to be able to have a complete table where if a customer selects 3 courses, her details...
  17. R

    Formula to score based on conditions

    Hello everyone ! I've been trying to solve this dilemma for a long time, but haven't been able to for weeks now after so many attempts. I would like the formula to make a scoring, based precisely on the criteria you see, and which are> or <50, and Growing or slowing, and based on how the last...
  18. L

    Formatting a cell based on multiple parameters

    Hello, I am looking to have a cell essentially put a in checkmark and green fill if a few conditions are met. It's a bit complicated so I will explain as best I can; The cell I want the formula in is U:9 The same sheet has 'important cells' B:9, I:9 and T:9 I have a list on a separate sheet...
  19. N

    Countifs - Multiple Conditions (HR Dashboard)

    Dear Team, I am currently working on an HR Dashboard and I want to be able to use a formula to do 2 things: A. report the overall current number of employees who are still onboard. This will mean as long as I keep updating the datasheet this number should automatically be updating...
  20. L

    VBA if else statement 3 conditions

    Good afternoon. I want to determine an amount of pay in local currency according to 3 conditions [frequency of pay]: (daily pay, monthly pay, one-off pay) If pay is in daily mode, amount of pay is : daily pay = daily pay * 5 * 24 If pay is in montly mode, amount of pay is: montly pay * 6 If pay...

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