comparing columns

  1. C

    Multiple If functions to compare cells and paste in separate cells help

    Im stuck at getting a macro to filter through some data. I have this data set; This continues for 1000s of rows, i need a macro to: Go through date/time col check for any overlaps where there are overlaps compare to ocular hazard col if both dates have ocular hazard 1 then only paste one of...
  2. E

    compare data in two columns - displaying only unique items.

    Good day please could you assist me, not sure if it is possible. I have two columns that return the top three results from a list, i would like to know if there is any way that i could compare the two lists and if the is a duplicate value/result in list b then this would be removed and the...
  3. R

    Comparing columns of data between worksheets and returning value when matched.

    If I had three columns in one worksheet and three columns in another worksheet to compare. How can I check the 2nd worksheet to find matching records to the 1st worksheet, then pull out the fourth column value of the 2nd worksheet when there's a match? Ideally with codeor array rather than...
  4. C

    Help matching new columns with slightly different text

    <colgroup><col><col></colgroup><tbody> Available grants Published Measuring productivity Services Data Set Census data Data Security Activity data Monthly analysis on last census Work Assessment Organisation Reference Data Smoking habits of adults Adult smoking Risk management...
  5. A

    Comparing Two Columns with VBA - accounting for no differences

    Hi, I have a macro that is able to find differences between two columns that are side by side and then spits out the differences onto another sheet. The macro works well when there are differences, but if the two columns are the same, then I get a 400 error. What do I need to do so that my code...
  6. M

    VBA code for sorting and comparing two database lists.

    I have two databases that each have invoice numbers and invoice dates. I need code that will first sort each list of data in ascending order. Then I need the code to compare the lists from each database. The output of the code should show where each invoice data is matching or missing. If...
  7. A

    Comparing two columns

    I would like to compare two columns with numbers. If there is a match I will retrieve a number from a third column and put into a forth. Se below: PN1 Price PN2 Match 18-510-580 23 112 200005282 3794456 5 099...
  8. J

    How do I compare columns of data on 2 different sheets?

    I have the following columns of data: Sheet 1: Name Date Stock A 1/3/2013 Stock B 1/3/2012 Stock B.3 null Stock C 4/5/2013 Stock D 6/2/2013 Stock D.1 null Stock E 7/21/2013 Stock F 9/28/2013 ... Sheet 2 Stock A 1/3/2013 Stock A.3 4/3/2011 Stock B 1/3/2012...
  9. S

    comparing values in two columns

    hello folks, I am caught up in solving a problem wherein there are two columns A and B and values there in A B 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 9 5 10 6 11 13 15 15 As you can see...
  10. R

    Deleting Duplicates in a Column based on a value in next column

    in Excel 2010: I currently get Excel reports given to me from my companies CRM tool. It shows me activity history in every account. There are many duplicate values in the Account name column and I need to delete the duplicates leaving only the value for the time the account reached the...
  11. E

    Finding any words from B1:B400 within A1:5000

    Take a look at whiat I am trying to do, any input would be appreciated! (keep scrolling down, i dont know how i got all that extra space! LOL):biggrin: <TABLE border=1> <TBODY><TR> <TH>CONTRIBUTORS</TH> <TH>LAST NAMES</TH> </TR> <TR> <TD>JOHN PAUL GLADSTONE</TD>...

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