
  1. A

    Enhancing The Creation Of A Combobox List

    I am trying to create one single combobox list by combining values from 2 separate ranges in a worksheet. With ws_vh lrow_a = .Cells(.Rows.Count, "L").End(xlUp).Row lrow_p = .Cells(.Rows.Count, "M").End(xlUp).Row For Each Rng In Array(.Range("L2:L" &...
  2. S

    Format Dates

    Hi guys, I came accross this code from Norie and it works fine! However I like to format the dates in Wednesday 20 Feb 2019 and would love to have sundays automatically in red. Sub FillDates() Dim StartDate As Date Dim EndDate As Date Dim NoDays As Integer With tabAuflistung...
  3. S

    vba code to count cell color

    Hi I am manually adding a specific color to a cell (Yellow) as a result i would like to count the number of cells that have a color.. i came across this code Function CountColor(Rng As Range, RngColor As Range) As Integer Dim Cll As Range Dim Clr As Long Clr =...
  4. Lensmeister

    Record changes to Excel File

    Morning all, I have worksheet with about 50+ sheets that is on our server. I need to be able to see who changed what cell and on what sheet and when. I found this code on here: Option Explicit Const intUsernameColumn = 1 Const intCellRefColumn = 2 Const intNewValueColumn = 3 Const...

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