clear cells

  1. H

    VBA to clear cells below header containing word

    hello, New to excel VBA and could use some help. I am looking for a VBA to be able to use on a few different spreadsheets which will be automatically created from an android app that exports to a .csv file. After the csv file is created by the app, I need to be able to: A) clear all cells in...
  2. H

    Copy cell values from non contiguous cells in sheet2 in an empty contiguous row in sheet2

    I have been asked to build a spread sheet to collect data. Sheet1 " collection form" this is where the use enters the data they are collecting. Sheet2 "Report" is where the data needs to be stored after collecting. Goal is to take the relevant data from non contiguous cells in sheet1...
  3. K

    Run a Macro changing the option of a Drop Down List

    I have a macro that clear the data from some specific cells and i want it to be trigger every time a change the option from a drop down list. How could I do that? thanks!

    How to Clear Data Only from Block of Cells in Excel 2007

    I have a worksheet with a row for each day of 2016. There are formulas, conditional formatting, etc. Now I want to create an empty 2017 version. I thought I'd only have to copy and (somehow) empty the contents (each day's data), but everything I try removes everything; contents, formulae...
  5. H

    Clear/Reset Button for sheets with Form Text Boxes

    Hi, All: I am really in need of some help getting the code right for my spread sheets. I have multiple sheets. There are form text boxes that are linked with cells on other sheets. Need to figure out the code to create a reset/clear button for the text box as well as the cell that it is...
  6. R

    Inserting rows then deleting data but leaving formulas and formatting

    Hi This is my first post and am new to using code in excel sheets. I have a spread sheet that is keeping track of requested report from 3rd parties. This sheet will need to be password protected as multiple users will have access, so i am trying to sort out a macro that will allow some one to...
  7. R

    Inserting rows then deleting data but leaving formulas and formatting

    Hi This is my first post and am new to using code in excel sheets. I have a spread sheet that is keeping track of requested report from 3rd parties. This sheet will need to be password protected as multiple users will have access, so i am trying to sort out a macro that will allow some one to...
  8. A

    how to clear cells form a different table using variables for range and worksheet names

    Greetings, i want to clear cells from a certain worksheet name and certain range, so i figured i'd use variables but an error appears saying they can't accept the syntax. here's my code Public Sub deltime() Dim wsheet As String Dim strt As String Dim endc As String wsheet =...
  9. andrewb90

    using VBA to clear cell contents

    Hello, I feel like this is a dumb question, since I should know how to do this and can't remember. I need to clear the contents of multiple cells in the current sheet. I keep trying Cells("D8:G8").Clearcontents and that is clearly not it. Any help in the correct direction would be greatly...
  10. A

    Help with a macro to clear cells with numbers but not cells with formulas

    Hi- help would be greatly appreciated on a macro to clear cells with numbers but no cells with formulas with in this macro: Dim i As Long i = Range("E3") If i > 0 Then ' Copy range Range(Cells(6, 10 + i), Cells(500, 17)).Copy Range(Cells(6, 10), Cells(500...
  11. A

    seeking better solution to remove empty text string created by ""

    I've been struggling to remove the empty text string created when I use "" as the false value in formulas. I think I found a way but I wanted to see if anyone has a more elegant solution, and one that would work as a macro. I use the "if" formula to populate many of the cells on my spreadsheet...
  12. O

    Clear cell content based on another cell calculation

    Hello, I have a cell A1 in sheet2 linked cell A1 in sheet1 (simply A1='sheet1'!A1). A1 in sheet1 is a data validation drop down menu. I want to clear the content of A2 in sheet 2 everytime the content of A1 in sheet2 changes/is updated. That is everytime the value of A1 in sheet1 is changed...
  13. A

    Clear cells on adjacent cell change

    New to VBA but feel that using it is the solution to this question: I have text in column F (cells 20 to 199) that changes automatically based on pre-determined time constraints (this is done via an IF formula). I want the 4 cells adjacent to F to clear contents when the text in F changes...
  14. cata2200

    Reset Cells

    Hello These days I was quite busy with Excel, so I paid many visits to this site, from where I got great advise. For one more I am looking now: What is the easiest way to reset a particular array, say $A$:$AA$30 on the original conditions (font, color, cell unmerged, borders reset, content...
  15. K

    Multiple List Clear

    I have a list on sheet3 that is generated by a user and a list on sheet2 that is automatically provided. What I would like to have happen is when when a macro is run on sheet3 it goes down the list (could be variable in length) item by item and clears any identical values in sheet2. For...
  16. M

    My code wont work from button

    i wasnt sure how to explain this the header I have a simple peice of code that clears a few cells. I went back and added another row and therefore updated the code. Now when click the button all my other cells clear as supposed to but my new one doesnt.. but if i run the moduile within the VBA...
  17. E

    Help with macro for copy cell data from one worksheet to another in next available row.

    Hoping someone out there can help me. I am new to macros and do not have a clue where to start. I have a worksheet called "Entry" and there are certain cells in which data is entered into. There is also a command button that when clicked I would like it to do the following: 1. Copy data that...
  18. W

    Simple Macro

    I’d greatly appreciate if someone can help me get the Macro code for what I need.<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /><o:p></o:p> <o:p> </o:p> I am working with range A4:I60 and what I need the macro to do is as follows;<o:p></o:p> <o:p> </o:p> if the value...
  19. caritx

    VBA Clear data in cell

    If column A has value and column B is Blank I want to clear the data in C & D. The problem is I only want to clear the data in that cell and not the whole row of the columns after. Can anyone offer any advice? Thanks in advance!
  20. C

    Macro to Clear Cells based on condition

    I need a macro that auto runs when the spread sheet is opened with the following formula as a condition: =IF(LEFT($B$2,5)>=LEFT(A35,5) if this is true, then I want it to clear the selected cells, if false then "". I am a novice using macros and all I have written is simple macros that format...

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