
  1. T

    Remove blank cells in a given range (remove gaps between cells)

    Guys, is there a way to via vba move all of the names so there are no gaps so example 1 looks like example 2. The data is currerntly in range c22 to E40 in sheet called 'Allocate' EXAMPLE 1 <colgroup><col span="2"><col></colgroup><tbody> Name1 Name2 Name3 Angela Rose Bethan Mason...
  2. O

    Vlookup Problems

    Hey All Im using this formula to do a Vlookup =VLOOKUP(A:A,Sheet1!A:G,7,TRUE) Any product codes that are not numbers show as #N/A but it works when the SKU is just a number. I have tried formatting the cells as numbers. If its general it just shows 3E+11 everywhere Any Ideas how I solve...
  3. G

    vlookup vs Match+index

    Hi everyone, I have 2 seperate table on 2 different sheet: - a Cube Pivot Table - a table that I paste from another source Both table have a in Column A, an ID that is unique value for each row. I need to merge these 2 table in a new table. 1st table (Cube pivot Table) <tbody> 1000 jack x...

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