
  1. A

    Convert Parent-Child into Excel Hierarchy using VBA

    Hi experts! I'm trying to traverse and convert a Parent|Child file into a separate hierarchy, with a header. The 'depth' of the Parent|Child relationships is yet unknown, so the output could stretch to many columns on the right. I have tried coding for just two input columns, with little...
  2. F

    how to use a cell to reference a file?

    Hi all I have a 2 workbooks set up s parent and chid - and a formula to pull values into the parent from the child: =VLOOKUP($A2,' Testing Collateral/1. Releases Collateral/Release 17/14. Preparation and Execution Tracker/[Outside of...
  3. N

    Un-flatten Survey Data

    I have survey data that requests responses from parents about the number of kids they would like registered for an activity. <tbody> Parent Name Child 1 Name Child 1 T-Shirt Size Child 1 Birthday Child 2 Name Child 2 T-Shirt Size Child 2 Birthday Child 3 Name Child 3 T-Shirt Size Child 3...
  4. JackDanIce

    Update value on multiple .xlsm files from parent .xlsm file

    Hi, I have a Master file with multiple child files in sub folders below it. Each child file has a named range for a value and I want to update it from the Master file; the child files have Workbook_Open events. The following approach will work but I suspect there are faster methods, could...
  5. J

    Parent Child derivation

    Hi, In below example in column A+B, i have hierarchy on the node level of the parent in column A and the child in column B. I would like to derive the text of each parent in column C, like below. Is there a formula for column C how i can derive this value? Column A Column B...
  6. L

    create dynamic dropdown based on UNIQUE values from a column within a table

    Hello expert Excel users! Below i will describe what is the purpose of my first forum post, so bear with me. So i have multiple tabs defined as tables in a big excel file. Each table has one or more columns but then, some of the tables do have common fields among them. What i want to do is...
  7. S

    Gate pass slips for a school

    Good day all, I am working on a sheet for a school, and would like to create an automatic selection from one sheet to another. The idea is to have one sheet with various details, and then another with a form for a gate pass. What I am aiming for is the name to appear on the gate pass, if the...
  8. G

    Update child sheet from master sheet by ID's

    Hi everyone, Please Help me out with the solution I have 13 sheets in one of my workbook, from which if i add any data in 1st sheet(Master worksheet), based on months it should copy to that sheets(were my other sheets would be named as Jan,feb,mar....) and if i need to update anything from any...
  9. U

    Code to create Parent Child Hierarchy

    Hi, Can anyone help me, as i have data in 2 column and need to create hierarcy. please refer the example below <colgroup><col width="64" style="width:48pt" span="2"> </colgroup><tbody> Child Parent A B B C C D D D </tbody> My desired output is as below...
  10. M

    Help Code VBA Get a child window of an application and send text to a box on that child window

    Hi guy ! How can i go directly to a window of an application with it'ID , because it does not have Please
  11. R


    I have roles in column A and their corresponding entitlement in column B I need a macro to pick the child role corresponding parent role Role Entitlement Role 1 Entitlement 7 Role 1 Entitlement 8 Role 1 Entitlement 9 Role 2 Entitlement 7 Role 2 Entitlement 8 Role 3 Entitlement 6 Role 3...
  12. L

    Moving data from one sheet to another when condition is met

    Hi, I am looking for help moving data from a "master" sheet to several other "child" sheets based on data/response provided in a single column of the "master" sheet. Each "child" sheet is named after the possible data/responses in the "master" sheet. Below is a summary: My "Master Worksheet"...
  13. T

    Parent Child hierarchical format using Level

    Hi, I am trying to establish below in hierarchical format. Is there anyway if we can achieve output as below. tried grouping but didn't work. Input <colgroup><col width="64" style="width:48pt" span="3"> </colgroup><tbody> Node Level A100 1 101 Child 1 2...
  14. A

    Automatically Group by numbers with VBA or another simple wayAutomatically Group by numbers ( parent child) with VBA or another simple way

    Automatically Group by numbers ( parent child) with VBA or another simple waySource file: Like this:
  15. B

    main form connected to child form, open same record (navigational control)

    I have a form with a navigation control. How do i tell the childform in my navigation control to go to the same record ID that i have open and showing in my mainform? i want both my child form to open the same record (based on ID number) as my main form have open. and when i change to a new...
  16. M

    Percentage value Formula

    Good Day I have one amount and i need to divide it on defined percentage on 2 child for example Total amount is 100 K and second child should take 20% from first child amount while total amount of both of them should equal 100 K , so manually first child will equal 83,333 and second child...
  17. T

    Giving a cell a certain text based on the grade of a student.

    Long time lurker, first time poster. I have been struggling with this and hoping you all can help me out. I apologies if my explanations is really clear, it is kinda complex. So i have the spreadsheet above where there are the IDs in column F ( the are the family IDs)...
  18. gheyman


    I want to do a count: Countif Going down Column C, if Cell is Not Blank and column U <> "Child" So if there is a value in column C and on the same row in Column U it does not equal "child" I want to count how many of those I have.
  19. B

    recordset.addnew problem; recordset is read-only

    I have two tables in an Access database, a parent and child. I have a connection, and two ADO recordsets, one each for the parent and child tables. They're both opened with a string of SQL, adOpenDynamic, adLockOptimistic, adCmdText. The logic is to see if something specified in the spreadsheet...
  20. J

    Return Two Separate Sets of Child Values from Parent Cell

    Hi Excel Guru's, Looking for some advice on the best way to approach what I'm trying to do... after attempting to google or search the forums I think I'm failing to accurately search/describe what I'm trying to do and have resorted to creating this thread. 1. I'm trying to first reference a...

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