cell values

  1. J

    How to get the Range of Cells with "Values" within a Range of formulas

    I have a range of formulas (E12:O21) The Header Row is (E11-O11) - Total Row is (E21:O21). I want to use VBA to search that range of formulas and find the cells with values to return the "actual" used range within that range. I will use this new range to create a chart eliminating blank chart...
  2. andrewb90

    Using a variable to open a userform

    Hi all, I have a number of similarly named user forms that are called based on the value in a cell. I am trying to find a more efficient way to call the user forms without having to add additional elseifs to the code everytime I add a few more. I thought I had the right idea, but perhaps I...
  3. E

    Permutations of sets of values

    Hello, I'm a new VBA user and really need some help. I'm trying to perform pairwise permutations of an undetermined number of values entered along a single row. The permutations should be exported into columns A and B in another tab. Then I want to repeat this process for the next and all...
  4. C

    Autofiltering based on cell contents

    Hi, I'll say upfront I'm not the worlds best Vba person but I've gotten really good at frankenstiening and modifying existing code. I plan to learn more but there just don't seems to be enough hours on the day. Anyway: I've hit a bit of a snag with a macro I'm building and i was hoping...
  5. L

    Count instances in a cell

    <tbody> ID Submitted # submitted 1.1 1/1/18 2/5/18 2 1.2 6/5/18 1 1.3 2/1/18 2/5/18 3/1/18 3 </tbody> Hello! Is there a way to count instances in a cell. have a cell that contains multiple submittal dates and want to know if there is a way to get the number of entries in...
  6. D

    Cell values based on comparison of previous column cell value.

    hi All, I want formula or macro that work on the following table and provide the value in column E. The macro should compare the sorted (a-z) value in column D and based on the value from the column C, it provide the below mentioned details in column E...
  7. C

    Swapping adjecent cell values

    This is a bit of a weird one in that I don't know how I did what I did by accident, but it would be useful to know... My spreadsheet contains a (fairly standard) set of data of Surname (col A) Forename (col B) and more info in col c, d, e etc. I was using the keyboard to select the first 5...
  8. jmh2008

    VBA to Show Cell as Text String but Value as Number

    Trying to create a sheet for archery scores. If someone hits the Bullseye, it's marked as an "X" but recorded as 10 point. We need to keep the X's, but this will determine who was the highest score, but if there's a tied, then it's whoever have the most "x's". How can I Show on the Score...
  9. C

    cell values mixed with text in output

    Hi, I'm trying to write code to take 2 columns of data on my input sheet and combine them on my Macroout sheet listing as col A1, col B1, col A2, col B2 etc. - this part works (see below). But what I'm trying to do is embed the cell values in some set text. For example: Copy a1 to first...
  10. C

    Using SUMIFS with multiple OR criteria accessed by cell values.

    Hi, I am trying to calculate totals from a column based on multiple criteria. But these criteria are randomly generated each time for the purpose of what I'm doing, so I am using cell values (A10, B10, etc) rather than a number or text string. So, there are multiple random outputs from a...
  11. I

    Picture Manipulation based on Cell Values (send to front/back)

    I was provided a spreadsheet with (4) different photos inserted in the document. The photos are stacked on top of each other, and are 'brought forward' depending on the value selected from a drop-down menu. I'm trying to duplicate this effect in a file of my own but am not sure how to go about...
  12. K

    Create outlook email with text, subject and recipient based on cells in worksheet

    Hi Please can someone help me with some code that will open an email in outlook to email address in column D. From an email address in B1. with text along the lines of Hi (Name in column C) Please find attached your (Month in A1) document for (company in B) regards KingKahnv I will need...
  13. girapas

    Reference to transfer every three rows cell values

    In a sheet, and in each of columns AA, AB, AC ... there is, every three rows, the sum of the values of the two above cells. This is repeated in hundreds of rows. AA AB AC 1 x1 y1 z1 2 x2 y2 z2 3 x1+x2...
  14. L

    VBA - how to use a cell value to filter a PivotTable with a macro

    Hello MrExcel, I made a macro to perform certain filtering actions on a PivotTable, but now I want to use a cell value to make the macro filter on a specific month, so that I don't have to adapt the macro each month. I thought this would be very simple, but I've tried several ways and I got...
  15. D

    Need To Cycle Through Range ("F2-F800")

    The below code snippet only handles one value for one cell: StrURI = Range("F2") In the same column ("F") I have 800 values that I need to cycle through. Any help would be appreicated...
  16. E

    Assigning one cell the value of another cell

    This is probably basic for many/most of you, but I've been trying to figure out how to do this for a couple of hours now..... Very simple, I have a spreadsheet with various values assigned to each cell. On top of the spreadsheet, I have a formula to calculate the result I am looking for. I...

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