cell reference

  1. T

    Range inside cell reference

    I'm trying to specify a range from L1 to Q where the row value of Q if specified by the value of a cell in another sheet (Let's say Worksheets("Sheet1").Range("N" & i)). I've defined variable j as an integer and set it to equal Worksheets("Sheet1").Range("N" & i) however, when I try to use the...
  2. S

    Column A changes dynamically but need to keep values in column B associated with their value in column A

    Using Google Sheets. Column A contains a list of products. That list is imported from outside Google Sheets (Shopify). The list constantly changes as new products get added or removed. When products are added they don't necessarily get added to the bottom, they get added anywhere on the list so...
  3. O

    FileCopy based on cell reference and loop

    I'm a novice at all of this and have no formal education in coding. I use google and do my best to cobble things together, but I've hit a wall which I will describe below. Thanks in advance for any help you can provide. I work as an academic advisor in higher education, and for each new...
  4. O

    Print specific tabs when tab name is a cell value

    I am a new member but have found numerous posts here that have helped tremendously in the past. I do have one I cannot seem to figure out or find a previous thread that will cover. I have a workbook with numerous tabs. Some of which are are named as years (2020, 2021, 2022, etc...). What I...
  5. L

    Update cell range/reference in existing macro and exclude 1 row

    Hello, I am trying to update a macro that someone else wrote and I cannot follow the logic. Currently this macro will total/format cells within defined sections of rows between columns I and O. However, we have added a column and now we need the macro to change to do columns J to P instead. We...
  6. H

    Which is better line in code for Module

    In Module of my Workbook (coded.xlsm) and for the Worksheet (tab named “ZZZ”) I am using User Defined Function to get outputs in some cells where UDFs are there. 1 line of the code is If Sheets("ZZZ").Range("WA10").Value = "=1" Then GoTo finish End If Should I replace the above lines with...
  7. K

    Adding cell contents to an array reference in macro

    After years of using base excel, I am just now learning how to use VBA to make my work process more efficient. I run weekly reports showing last weeks data, the financial weeks run Monday to Sunday. The data I pull contains data from the day I pull it, I don't want to include this data. I want...
  8. H

    Problems Inserting Rows

    Hi I am creating a spreadsheet where people will fill in details for certain things, my idea is to have them add rows as they go to each of the tables within the worksheet. However, when they add rows to the first table, this now means that the insert point I chose for the following tables is...
  9. G

    VBA code to jump to a cell using reference in current cell

    Hi, Looking for some help, if I have a simple formula like =A1 in cell B1 I want to write some VBA code so that if I select B1 then run a macro it will then select A1. Slightly more complex as what I have in B1 actually refers to another workbook e.g. ='[book1.xlsx]sheet1'!A1 and I want to...
  10. C

    Indirect cell reference not updating row when dragging down

    Just started using Excel Formulas and I'm using this to get sums across 3 sheets. In the following Section, B3 and L3 are not updating to B4 and L4 when dragging down a row Any help would be greatly appreciated.
  11. ibmy

    Macro of SUMIFS Date & Time cell reference for large data

    Hi, I have a large data ranging between 200k-400k row every weekday to analyze. I need to get result for Column P, Q, R, S, T, U , V, W, X, Y from Row 2 to Row 7201 (sometimes until Row 1441 , 481 ,241 ,121 depend on what kind of analyze is). Current formula I use is "...
  12. T

    Trying to Replace Named Ranges with Cell References

    I have a workbook with 25-30 worksheets and every single cell that would have a cell reference uses a named range instead. I am trying to replace them all with cell references using the following macro (found on google): Sub AbsoleteNamesWithRelativeRefs() Dim Rng As Range Dim WorkRng As Range...
  13. V

    assigning a cell reference to a variable

    I am looking to create a dynamic range that I can manipulate in VBA for sorting purposes. I have the following code: Dim x As Range x = Sheet1.Range("A2").End(xlDown) Sheet1.Range("A2:" & x).Select I would then put my sorting code after the selection. How can I make the...
  14. andrewb90

    Use cell reference instead of text in VBA

    Hello all! I have this portion of code that seems to work, however I need instead of a fixed item like "California", I need it to reference a sheet and a cell instead. I feel like everything I've tried isn't working, and its probably something super simple that I'm doing wrong. For...
  15. T

    How to find blank cells in a range and the get reference to them

    Can anyone help me please, I'm trying to find blank cells in a range (O2142:O2206) and the get reference to those cells. And is there a way to only get reference to the row. see image below: I want it to look for the blank cells in column O (Date Job Delivered) because if there is cells...
  16. F

    Cell reference accross network

    Hello all, Could some one please assist, I would like to have a spreadsheet with cell references that refer to another spreadsheet stored under a different user. Example Network user 1 - master file Network user 2 - copy of master file with fewer data. Copy file to have cell reference that...
  17. S

    Pull a number from a cell and add to the subject of an email.

    I have a button on a workbook template that will save the work book and attach it to an email. I want to incorporate the ID number into the subject of the email. This number is changed each time the template is used. For example: If the ID number is 000001, I want the email subject to read...
  18. S

    Reference a cell in the Advanced Editor of Power Query Editor

    Hello, I'm trying to text in the advanced editor with a cell reference from a sheet in my workbook. I'm constantly having to manually update the advanced editor in 25 different tables which is taking me ~30minutes to run a report. Is it possible to do a cell reference for this? I've highlighted...
  19. M

    VBA code to auto filter using cell reference

    Hi, I need a VBA code to autofilter list of values reference from a different sheet. The filter condition is such it should contain the values in the referenced cells not equal to the value in the cell The code I have been trying is as below Worksheets("ZBA extract").select...
  20. M

    Copy Paste, but Doesn't Format

    Hello, So I am having an issue with formatting after copy and paste. My process is I copy a an entire row from one workbook and paste the row onto another workbook. Where I paste it is in one tab which I call "RAW DATA". I have another tab, my "Platform", that uses cell references or VLOOKUPS...

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