blank cell

  1. O

    Conditional Formatting for multiple criteria (Dates and Input <blank>)

    Hi Some advice please as I cannot get it to work 1) I want cell M4 to do the following, if possible, please: i) If the date entered in cell M4 is equal to or less than the date in G5, then green colour and bold text ii) If the date entered in cell M4 is greater than the date in G5, then...
  2. C

    For Next loop skipping blank cell, but indexes past next cell

    All, I decided to make my first post a fun one. I am working on some code to essentially find any cell in a given range that has text and append .01 to the end of it, but need to skip any cell that is blank or null. Currently this is working ok, except when it skips a blank cell lets say row...
  3. R

    Ignoring the value of a formula in a cell.

    Another one I'm not sure how to explain. So basically, I'm trying to make a spreadsheet that determines the last cell in a column that has a calculated value from a formula. So, the value in G5 is based on subtracting the previous value in G4 from the Value in C5 using: =IF(C5=0,"...
  4. K

    Excel formula to add 30 days to a date and ignore blank cells

    I am trying to take a date in A1 add 30 days to it or if there is no date leave blank.
  5. Y

    Need macro snippet for Filtering Non-Repetitive, Dynamic data/values for Repetitive macro usage.

    Hi, I have to copy rows from one sheet to other in a same excel file. It's a repetitive task to be conducted on weekly basis. Consider following example. Name Devices code A Desktop 234 B Laptop 2345 C Television 3456 D Smartphone 7654 E Printer NA F Desktop 098 G Scanner NA...
  6. L

    Selecting blank cells is also selecting untouched column next to data

    Good morning everyone, I am working with a rather larger dataset of a single column of calculated values. These values each have 3 blank cells in between each entry. The column in its entirety (including the blank cells) is roughly 100,000 lines long. I am attempting to select all blank cells...
  7. S

    Hide Blank Cells on form ComboBox

    Hello, everybody. My first post here from a newbie learner on Excel. I have a sheet where I am supposed to filter models of cars from 2 Combobox, one is for the manufacturer, another for the car models. I created a simple form Combobox and the data for that Combobox is coming from cell C in my...
  8. tourless

    A better way to handle blanks

    Hi Folks. I have a routine that is supposed to look for blank cells (after there is a subtotal placed on the data) and fill them with data. My problem is sometimes there is only one subtotal so that leaves the 'filling in the blanks' problem mute. My routine doesn't know how to handle that...
  9. D

    COUNTIFS Not Returning True on Blank Cells

    I'm using =IF(COUNTIFS(Vendors[Supplier Name],[@Vendor],Vendors[PO Type],[@[PO Type]]),"Yes","No") and it works great but only when both areas have text in them. I need it to still return a true value when both results match even when those cells are blank. Could anyone help? The PO type is...
  10. A

    Leave a CELL blank

    Hi all. OK, so I will try and explain this: I have a spread sheet for auto working out, Percentage, Then PASS & FAIL. I would like the PASS and FAIL cell to stay blank if nothing is put into the SCORE cell. (Score cell is a drop-down option) So, when from the SCORE drop down is entered, It...
  11. R

    Data Analysis ToolPak ANOVA

    I am running an ANOVA analysis on my survey data. The survey has twenty total questions. I exported the file from Qualtrics to CSV first then opened it in Excel for Mac (Ver. 16.64). I noticed that ten people out of the total sample of 200 people did not complete the survey, leaving out an...
  12. T

    I want to do a combination in the scope excluding empty cells in the VBA Range area.

    xDRg1, xDRg2, xDRg3 Ranges contain empty Cells. Can I do a combination other than this? Sub ListAllCombinations() 'Updateby Extendoffice Dim xDRg1, xDRg2, xDRg3 As Range Dim xRg As Range Dim xStr As String Dim xFN1, xFN2, xFN3 As Integer Dim xSV1, xSV2, xSV3 As String Set xDRg1 = Range("a2"...
  13. B

    Weighted Averages ignoring blanks and unrelated columns. For Google Sheets

    Hi! I am having a lot of trouble calculating a weighted average and ignoring blank cells. I understand what to do if the data is in an array, but I am working on a scorecard that will be printed out. The odd formatting is making it very difficult for me to use the sumproduct function and...
  14. K

    Need formula to return the earliest Date with the first blank "$ Amount" field that matches a specific ID

    Hi! I have a spreadsheet that we use to track contracts, Purchase orders, and Invoices/payments. I am trying to create a field that will show me the next soonest invoice date that doesn't yet have a dollar amount populated (because that date is the next invoice that we haven't yet paid... the...
  15. S

    If cell is blank, go to next right one.

    Hi everyone, I have a workbook with 4 sheets. In cell B16 of sheet "RBB" I want to create a formula to output the first value (from left to right) found between the columns L to AY of sheet "Belegerfassung" in the row related to the ID in column A. In sheet "RBB" this ID is reflected in cell...
  16. D

    VBA Sort Blanks

    I am trying to sort a sheet by blanks in 2 columns. For example, any row that has blanks in both key columns will be deleted. However, if either or both columns have information, it should be left alone. I'm struggling to get this to work with both columns rather than just one.
  17. E

    Filter Pivot Table Column

    Hello, I am trying hide the rows in Pivot Table where color Blue has no QTY/ empty cell. Any suggestion please? Thank you.
  18. E

    Sum Cells and IF Statement to add times

    I have a table where I record the start time and end time for Frac and Wireline operations on a well, and that process is repeated for each stage of the well. Sometimes we skip stages and no times are entered indicating that skip which messed up the Total Time calculation. I left "Stage 3" (Row...
  19. M

    Formula-Generated Blank Cell is Not Recognized by Formula

    Can someone please tell me why the following formula does NOT work correctly when used to process cells that contain a formula-generated value but works fine when the data in the cells are entered "manually"? So I don't have to enter data manually in all the cells, I decided to use a simple...
  20. S

    How do I write an IF statement for number sequencing?

    How do I write a formula that achieves Column B? When a blank cell appears in Column A, Column B must also leave the cell blank. But on the next cell if there is a filled cell in Column A, it must continue the number sequence from where it was last left in Column B.

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