autorun macro

  1. E

    Autorun VBA, send specific values to Outlook

    Good day everyone. I am trying to make this code run so every time I open it so excel automatically checks for expired equipment, put message about it and then send it to Outlook. Ideally i want all outdated equipment to be listed in email too. For example if equipment flagged already as...
  2. L

    Run a macho when closing the Excel file

    Hi everyone! I have this macro and I want to run it when the user closes the file. How can I put it running automatically? Private Sub Workbook_BeforeClose(ByVal SaveAsUI As Boolean, Cancel As Boolean) last_row_ose = get_last_row("S1", "I") Worksheets("S1").Range("I12:O" &...
  3. T

    Check if the Excel file contain error

    Hello Excel expert, I am trying to build a startup VBA to check if the current worksheet contain any error as below: #VALUE ! #DIV/0! #N/A This VBA will check which cells contain above error and would prompt a msgbox to show info like below: Total 10 errors found! Cell A1, A3, B3 contain...
  4. J

    Auto run Macro on Startup Conflict

    This is my first time posting on the forum, so I want to go ahead and thank you all for the support that you have given me so far. I am very new to VBA & Macros, so if my question seems silly, I apologize. I have tried researching this, but I cannot find an answer. Here is what I have: I am...
  5. S

    Autorun macro when cell value change

    I am not an excel expert and need guidance. I have made some graphs in one sheet and when I update the cell value in other sheet the graph is changing automatically. but i want to show the value for each day in the graph bar chart. I don't want to show the "0" value for future days. I was unable...
  6. I

    VBA - Event/Change Macro on Cell Value using a Formula

    I hear this can be very difficult but I want to be having a macro run automatically depending on the contents of a cell, the cell includes a formula. I did find a working example somewhere, but for the life of me I can't find it again - anyway to the point :):) When I mess with the Width and...
  7. bobkap

    Run macro on cell change

    What code do I need to have my Excel macro run any time data is changed in any cell in the spreadsheet? Thanks, Bob Kaplan
  8. A

    Hyperlink Cells to changing sheets name

    Hi there, Once again I am trying to get your help on the below and am feeling lucky again. I have numerous sheets in a workbook with details of multiple projects (1 project = 1 sheet) and one particular sheet 'Summary' in which I need to have summary of latest updates of all the projects...
  9. K

    auto run macros

    Hello, I'm using MS XP and Exel 2007. I want to run a macro automatically when the workbook is opened. I've read several solutions here but it seems like I missed the first half of the movie cause I can't seem to get it. Please explain it in a generic way, that would apply to any macro. Thanks...

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